Even unconsciousness can't keep my brain from coming up with lousy puns. I just dreamed that another GM was telling me about this adventure game he was putting together...

"So the heroes enter the forest, and before long they come across this little gingerbread house, with a sign that says PAY TOLL. And if they don't pay money to the gnome inside, they'll get attacked by his enormous rottweilers, these 50-foot-tall dogs made of black licorice."


"Yeah. See, the gnome is behind on payments for his licor license..."

Five Replies to Sweet

Aaron Shurtleff | August 4, 2007
Wow. That was about the funniest pun I've heard all day. ;)

Lori Lancaster | August 4, 2007
[hidden by author request]

Steve West | August 4, 2007
I may have to kill you.

Amy Austin | August 5, 2007
Blehh... the only thing worse than *puns* about black licorice... is black licorice.

Jackie Mason | August 5, 2007
[hidden by author request]

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