Take Me Out...
by Steve West on May 14, 2010

It was baseball night in Bowie. As part of Lauren's tenth birthday celebration, we went to see the Bowie Baysox.
Highlights of the evening included:
Nearly getting nailed by a foul ball while distracted by getting pizza sauce off my pants. (Pizza at a ballgame?! And gyros??!! Is nothing sacred?)
Photo ops with the team mascot - a big lumbering green furred monster named Louie.
Having Lauren's birthday wishes announced over the loudspeaker.
Three carousel rides.
Watching the home team lose.
Fireworks, anyway.
Ice cream, cotton candy, basketball shooting, wiffle ball home run derby (for the kids), kids run the bases, etc.
It's always a full night at the ballpark. Happy birthday, my angel!
One Reply to Take Me Out...
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Jackie Mason | May 16, 2010
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