OK, I've read the reviews saying Torchwood is a terrible show that is nothing but gratuitous sex and violence but I gotta say I kind of disagree and kind of like it. Thanks to our public library for stocking such a non-educational program :P. Buffy fans particularly seem to despise this program but what the heck, I like both... I'm not saying every episode is great, but it's entertaining and sometimes moving...

Prayer for the Paranoid

Denise Sawicki posts whatever she feels able to post without serious consequences Read more »


Darrell just ordered an Atari on ebay. It just felt good to get annoyed with my mom first :) The guys are so excited looking over all the additional Atari games they could buy. I know it's kind of stupid to be buying that kind of thing instead of the hugely complex games that exist now, but Darrell said he wants the crawlspace to be a fun place without the kind of long, complicated game that can cause painful obsessions. Go »

door to door salesperson

Well last night I had somewhat of a weird experience when this wacky lady came to our door to sell some cleaning supplies for $37 a bottle... I normally do not buy anything from solicitors but she had me flustered and I was cracking up at everything she was saying... Didn't want to send her away empty handed after her lengthy comedy show. Go »

Who are you calling a pipsqueak?

So now we have moved on to watching Fullmetal Alchemist. We borrowed season 1 from the library. I quite like it. Go »

Sewing Project?

So... we are into this goofy show "The Prisoner" lately and decided we want to go as people from that show for Halloween. That is, assuming anyone invites us to a party of any kind. Go »

I'm posting a lot

Yeah I suppose I should mention for anyone wondering (besides Scott, who I already talked to) I'm 90% sure I'm too crazy to do this GooCon thing appropriately. But that 10% chance of a successful trip is driving me nuts. I'm really curious to meet some other site users and I know it would be fun if I wasn't so crazy. Go »


Not a lot happens in my life that I feel I can talk about publicly! There's my work, but we all know you can't talk about that. We're involved in a politcal thing that, if life were like an episode of Monk, would surely get us all killed. Go »