OK, I've read the reviews saying Torchwood is a terrible show that is nothing but gratuitous sex and violence but I gotta say I kind of disagree and kind of like it. Thanks to our public library for stocking such a non-educational program :P. Buffy fans particularly seem to despise this program but what the heck, I like both... I'm not saying every episode is great, but it's entertaining and sometimes moving...

Prayer for the Paranoid

Denise Sawicki posts whatever she feels able to post without serious consequences Read more »

Our dog is smart

Our sheltie, Philip, is really smart. Here is his latest Oscar-worthy film, where he shows off his ability to mimic Darrell doing the following actions: turn a circle, stretch, sneeze, lie down, roll over (partway), hop, and speak: link Philip also knows how to read a few words, kind of, though I think he gets bored with it :-). Currently he's in school for agility, which entails learning how to run around a course jumping hurdles and using tunnels and seesaws in a prescribed manner. Go »

Lost Things

Darrin's sheet and pillowcase disappeared some time back, and I just discovered my nice black pants are missing. I almost always wear jeans so I have no idea how long they have been gone. We searched thoroughly for these items and the only theory we can come up with is that Darrin's ex-girlfriend took them. Go »

Now I remember why I live in North Dakota

It got hot all of a sudden the last few days, or what passes for hot in ND in early April (50s). It's like a spring break video out there, people prancing around in bikinis yelling "woo"... OK not quite but there is a marked change in demeanor. Go »

Cocoa spills and Larry David

In a freak accident, I managed to splatter my husband's entire mug of cocoa all across the kitchen this morning, 1 minute before I had to leave for work. I apologized a bunch of times and kept asking if I should call in and tell them I'm going to be late so I could clean it up... but he said he'd try to clean it up. Go »

Mystery Halloween costume

This might look like two guys in ugly clothes, but in reality it is a very nerdy Halloween costume. Can anyone figure it out? Edit: Steve West figured it out, answer is in the comments. Go »


We found a big 1.75 liter bottle of Absolut Apeach for $10 ... We didn't realize what a great special this was until we saw that the little 0.75 Go »