I haven't posted in a while.

Scott and I successfully made it to Florida, thanks to all my friends who are the only reason we were able to get the van loaded. Thank you so much, all! If we didn't have you, no doubt we would still be loading the damned thing even now. It took two days, and we left just as a big ice thunder storm was hitting. We got it here, to his apartment and managed to stuff all my crap into a rented garage at his apartment complex. Now to figure out where some of my clothing is so I don't wear the same two things over and over again until we move to a house in April.

And, to gloat once more, if I haven't done so to yet personally, it's currently 76 degrees outside. The weather is wonderful here, it's t-shirts with no jacket weather.

Jobwise, I'm looking at a therapeutic school in Sarasota, it looks to be in line with what Streamwood was like, Middle School to High School behavior kids. Now just to work up the courage to make the phone call and see if they need Teacher's Aides. I have my Every Child Left Behind Letter, from Illinois, I wonder if I will have to update it? All that I know is I have no interest in changing diapers on teenagers again, ever.

Amtgard here is cool, it's in Tampa, about 45 minutes away, not as cool as Springfield. I admit, but I hope thats only because I don't know anyone there yet, really. I hope to make better friends with them. Unlike Springfield, where I was already friends with everyone there when I moved in, hell, it's only because of my friends in Springfield in Amtgard that I moved there in the first place.

I'm bored here. To be honest. I need to find a job quick, cause Sweetie Pie, Scott's cat, keeps winning at staring contests with me. I should get some work done on the million websites I should have done, but I don't have my computer online yet. We bought a router, but Scott and I have FAIL written all over our ability to get it to work. I'll find out if I can install the programs to write webpages and hook up my external HD to his computer so I can get some work done.

Note: Sweetie ignores me when she is sleeping on the cat bed next to the computer. I can poke her and she won't even move. Then I open the treats pouch and it's like I put smelling salts under her nose. Ka Pow!

I do enjoy cooking here, which I never really got the chance to in Springfield, cause why should I make fancy foods for just myself?

I'm finally on verge of finishing my leather quiver, and I hope to start working on a new belt soon, I have the basic design for it now, I just have to acquire the leather and tools and dye of it.

Three Replies to Update

Amy Austin | February 13, 2008
And, to gloat once more, if I haven't done so to yet personally, it's currently 76 degrees outside. The weather is wonderful here, it's t-shirts with no jacket weather.

Pardon me if I don't know you well enough to say this, but...
Screw you, Kelly!!!
(And see Tony's last post, along with my reply.)


(I would tell you to wait 'til July/August when you can't breathe... but it seems to only be a few (less than 10) degrees difference here then -- ridiculous humidity and all! -- and no frickin' central A/C on top... this climate sucks!!!

Jackie Mason | February 13, 2008
[hidden by author request]

Lori Lancaster | February 14, 2008
[hidden by author request]

Return of the KellyMonster

Where Kelly Lee cross posts from her other blogs cause she feels the need to have everyone read her blog. Read more »


Hey, so some of you know me, some of you don't. So I suppose I should make introductions. Hi, I'm Kelly. Go »

Help me please part 2

So I'm thinking a series of news reports, offered in text, BREAKING NEWS concerning the two rum icons, Capt Morgan and the bacardi bat, and how they the two forces are going to meet at Tortuga,... The Captain talks in mutterings like a drunken old man, and complains about how his leg is stuck in that position permanently. And when the Bacardi Bat is interviewed, he just screeches and flaps around. Go »

I'm better now

Outta work, and I went to Cingular and bought a new battery, then went to best buy where my friend who has the same phone as I said he would give me one of his spares... So return the new battery and use old phone, which is better cause it does not have the annoying push to talk feature, which is retarded and gets in the way anyway. Better. Go »

Speaking of the past

I had a card battle with Matt, which reminds me of..oh...high school. And I spent some time tonight looking through old pics I had of everyone from high school....and Go »

First Post

Hey look, I made a post. More to come when I feel like writing. And less like sleeping. Go »


So today, instead of going home after work, I decided that being at the park for our weekly Monday night amtgard meetings was a better idea after running some errands. I got there an hour early, before the lights came on in the pavilion, but it was ok, because of the creepy warm weather we've been having. Someone else, who hasn't been there in a long time, decided that he thought that it started at 5:30, was there too. Go »