I had a card battle with Matt, which reminds me of..oh...high school. And I spent some time tonight looking through old pics I had of everyone from high school....and my heart is warmed because I know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that everything is going to be ok, because

Four Replies to Speaking of the past

Lori Lancaster | December 1, 2007
[hidden by author request]

Scott Hardie | December 1, 2007
As long as we're sharing old photos...

Lori, Ray, and Kelly:

Kelly in black, Matt in dark green, Denise in red:

Scott, Kelly, Jackie, and friends:

Kelly Lee | December 1, 2007
Wow. That last one made us look like giants compared to everyone else.

Lori Lancaster | December 1, 2007
[hidden by author request]

Return of the KellyMonster

Where Kelly Lee cross posts from her other blogs cause she feels the need to have everyone read her blog. Read more »

Help me please part 2

So I'm thinking a series of news reports, offered in text, BREAKING NEWS concerning the two rum icons, Capt Morgan and the bacardi bat, and how they the two forces are going to meet at Tortuga,... The Captain talks in mutterings like a drunken old man, and complains about how his leg is stuck in that position permanently. And when the Bacardi Bat is interviewed, he just screeches and flaps around. Go »

I hate my job

Today I got kicked in the face, spit on three times, twice it landed in my mouth, plus various kicks, scratches, pinches, attempted bites and more swearing at than I can count. I've been doing this sort of thing, working with behavior kids, for 6 years now. I just can't stand it anymore. Go »


So today, instead of going home after work, I decided that being at the park for our weekly Monday night amtgard meetings was a better idea after running some errands. I got there an hour early, before the lights came on in the pavilion, but it was ok, because of the creepy warm weather we've been having. Someone else, who hasn't been there in a long time, decided that he thought that it started at 5:30, was there too. Go »

All awards and no sleep make Kelly a dull girl.

Blah. I have been going nonstop for the last few months, and this week it kicks into high gear. I'm really well known in Amtgard as a award maker. Go »

Help me please!

Blech. So, Scott designs websites, using php and whatever the hell, I have no idea, but I'm glad when he helps me cause I don't like all the program-y stuff. I make websites in Dreamweaver, and I make a lot of them. Go »


I hate it when bad stuff happens, it always happens all at once. I lent my favorite cloak, that I spent about 300 bucks making several years ago, to a friend, who lent it to another friend who lost it, in Indiana. This happened in November. Go »