This celebrity goo was created by player Erik Bates.
Scott Hardie provided the source image, gooed image, category, and difficulty, made minor changes to the clue provided by Erik, and wrote the explanation.

publication date: Monday, October 4, 2004 (part of Round XXIII)

category: Movies

clue: This stubborn goo never ran for Congress, but he just might be a (D).

explanation: The words "stubborn" and "D" refer to Tenacious D, Black's comedy rock band. more…

solved by: Steve West, Matthew Preston, David Mitzman, Scott Horowitz, Megan Baxter, Stan Iwanchuk, Todd Brotsch, Brandie Harrison, and Jason Charles Butterhoff

player landmarks: This was the first goo solved by Stan Iwanchuk.

trivia: Scott was very tempted to create a goo of Jack White immediately afterwards.

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