Jean Rook
This celebrity goo was created by player Chris Lemler.
Scott Hardie made minor changes to the clue and made minor changes to the explanation provided by Chris.
publication date: Sunday, October 3, 2021 (part of Fall 2021)
category: Opinion
clue: She expressed her opinions daily in her column, and was the first lady to write in the Sunday paper as a private eye (at least in parody form).
explanation: Rook was a English journalist dubbed The First Lady of Fleet Street for her regular opinion column in the Daily Express. She was also, along with Lynda Lee-Potter, a model for the Glenda Slagg column in the satirical magazine Private Eye. more…
intended difficulty: hard
solved by: Russ Wilhelm, Steve West, LaVonne Lemler, Samir Mehta, Denise Sawicki, and Erik Bates