John Knoll
This celebrity goo was created by player Matthew Preston.
Scott Hardie provided the gooed image, category, and difficulty, made minor changes to the clue provided by Matthew, and wrote the explanation.
publication date: Sunday, September 9, 2007 (part of Round XXXI)
category: Inventions
clue: I'd imagine thIs guy wouLd have no trouble gooing his own iMage using Photoshop.
explanation: Knoll was a prominent figure at Industrial Light & Magic, as well as co-inventor of Adobe Photoshop. more…
solved by: Russ Wilhelm, Steve West, Justin Woods, Denise Sawicki, Joanna Woods, Mike Rothstein, Steve Dunn, Amy Austin, Mike Eberhart, David Mitzman, Elliot Farney, Jerry Mathis, Tony Peters, Scott Horowitz, Lori Lancaster, Shawn Brandt, Greg Bair, and Jason Evans
trivia: The source image shows Knoll flanked by goo players Kevin Fiore and Matthew Preston.
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