publication date: Monday, January 28, 2002 (part of Round XV)

category: Inventions

clue: Wklv fubswdqdobvw gursshg wkh Erpeh rq Hqljpd.

explanation: The clue was a cryptogram reading "This cryptanalyst dropped the Bombe on Enigma." Turing was famous for developing the cipher that cracked Enigma, the German code machine in World War II, which he called the Turing Bombe. more…

solved by: Denise Sawicki, Matthew Preston, Mike Eberhart, David Mitzman, Aaron Fischer, and Kelly Stokes

trivia: This goo came near the end of an elimination round, in which only Matt Preston and Aaron Fischer managed to remain active. It was intentionally designed to be very difficult to force either Matt or Aaron out of the game, but several players mocked how easy it was.

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