These goos are from the Inventions category, people famous for inventing or promoting technology. Browse another way.

Ada Lovelace

The world's first computer programmer might only have been remembered for her poet father if she hadn't been inspired by Charles Babbage. Go »

Alan Turing

Wklv fubswdqdobvw gursshg wkh Erpeh rq Hqljpd. Go »

Andreas Pavel

Long before you walked around enjoying music on your phone or MP3 player, this inventor first made it possible, not that Sony credited him. Go »

Arthur Scherbius

Uif botxfs up uijt hpp qbufoufe b nfdibojdbm djqifs nbdijof, lopxo bt uif fojhnb. Go »

August Dvorak

The letters "afuf;k h.soav" would spell the answer, if you typed it on a keyboard named after this educator. Go »

Bette Nesmith Graham

She certainly wasn't monkeying around when she decided to paint over her mistakes. Go »

Chester Carlson

Copying the ideas of this inventor would infringe on several of the patents he owned. Go »

Chip Foose

His expertise with automotive design helped him overhaul more than one classic car for TLC. Go »

Dean Kamen

What began as a mobility aid for the handicapped has become a space-age tool for the incredibly lazy. Go »

Deep Blue

This skilled player proved that anyone can beat a chess grandmaster if they can calculate 200 million moves per second. Go »

Dorian Nakamoto

Even if a good man wrote 100,000,000 articles about this guy, we still wouldn't know if he was who we were looking for. Go »

Ed Headrick

This inventor was steady when he became the founder of the IFA. Go »

Edward Craven Walker

His inventions lit up the 1960s counter-culture, and he did his part by operating a naturist resort. Go »

Edwin Shoemaker

Live by the sword, die by the sword. Or in this inventor's case, the comfortable chair. Go »

Elon Musk

This real-life Iron Man made his vast fortune by co-founding an alliterative Internet company. Go »

Eugene Stoner

The Vietnam War wouldn't exactly have been fought with sticks and stones if this gun designer's weapons hadn't existed, but he did lift a burden from the soldiers all the same. Go »

Ferdinand von Zeppelin

This German military officer's legacy went up in flames after he invented a new form of transportation. Go »

Gordon Moore

The reasoning power necessary to solve celebrity goos doubles every two years, according to a prediction by this intel-ligent businessman. Go »

Hans Reiser

This tech celebrity namesys a famous piece of storage software after himself and then likely killed his wife. Go »

Harold Edgerton

This Alley-dwelling Doc was the true inventor of bullet time. Go »

Horace Lawson Hunley

The Confederacy needed a strong navy to win the Civil War, but the ship created by this inventor failed to make a splash. Go »

Jack Ma

This sesame-loving entrepreneur didn't create your mother's web portal. Go »

Jean Pain

This Frenchman took great pains to make something useful with his Pooh. Go »

Jethro Tull

This British agriculturalist invented a horse-drawn seed drill and a horse-drawn hoe, revolutionizing the industry. Go »

John DeLorean

This engineer and business executive created a number of classic cars from Pontiac's GTO to the Firebird, but his name will forever be linked to the unpainted, gull-winged flop that put his company out of business in the 1980s but was spotted above Hill Valley, California as recently as 2015. Go »

John Knoll

I'd imagine thIs guy wouLd have no trouble gooing his own iMage using Photoshop. Go »

John McAfee

He protects your computer from viruses even after death, but he couldn't protect his many other businesses from going under, or protect himself from charges of murder and tax evasion. Go »

John Montagu

This 18th-century nobleman held many offices in the British government and navy, but he's best remembered for developing a way to eat a meal that's the best thing since sliced bread. Go »

Joseph Henry

Before his invention, people would stand outside a house and think, "I'm going to punch your house until you come out and talk to me." Go »

Joseph Weizenbaum

A computer scientist from Germany who created ELIZA, the first natural language processing computer program, in the mid-1960s at the MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. Go »

Kai Krause

He gave the gift of Goo to the world, and this game could never have happened without him. Go »

Larry Tesler

Too bad we couldn't copy and paste him before he died. Go »

Lars Magnus Ericsson

the answer is calling - pick up! Go »

Linus Torvalds

This colonel of open source just turned 26. Go »

Matías Duarte

Just for kicks, I'll try the webbed Chilean honeycomb cooked in palm oil. Go »

Mikhail Kalashnikov

He invented the submachinegun (and the AK-47 in 1949), but didn't get a patent until recently. Go »

Morris Michtom

Don't give this bear a big Russian hug until your little kid gets a stuffed toy. Go »

Nikola Tesla

This Serbian-American inventor is best remembered for the alternating-current electric coil that bears his name, though he's also the name of a magnetic density measurement and a heavy metal band. Go »

Noah McVicker

This inventor's beloved children's toy can also clean your wallpaper. Go »

Otis Boykin

In the end, the only heart he couldn't control was his own. Go »

Otto Frederick Rohwedder

Any way you slice it, this goo created the benchmark of modern invention. Go »

Philo T. Farnsworth

Do not attempt to adjust the picture! This Mormon inventor held hundreds of patents during his life, but his most influential invention remains one of his first, which he produced at age 14. Go »

Rachid Yazami

This African would like people to keep talking about how he stored up his creative ideas for so long before using them. Go »

Ralph Baer

Kutaragi, Nakayama, Uemura, and Bushnell all owe homage to this inventor. Go »

Ralph Gilles

One way to become the rock star of the auto industry is to make a car-of-the-year so hot that not even Snoop Dogg can get one. Go »

Rasmus Lerdorf

This dynamic web site, and many others, wouldn't run without this linguist. Go »

Richard Steiff

Naming this German boy Teddy would have been a big mistake, but unlike a bear you can cuddle him. Go »

Samuel Colt

Contributing the revolver to American warfare, and mass production techniques to manufacturing, made him a thoroughbred success. Go »

Sean Parker

First he invented something that threatened the end of the music business. Then he invested in something that promised to save it. Go »

Shawn Fanning

This college student stopped napping long enough to program software that changed the music business forever. Go »

Stepan Pachikov

Have this guy write you a paragragh and you should instantly recognize him by his handwriting. Go »

Stephen Wolfram

If you want to know how to add two violent animals together (as in his last name), ask his search engine. Go »

Steve Jobs

This entrepreneur has had several fruitful careers in the computer industry. Go »

Steve Jobs

Apple's long road to tech industry dominance began with the commercial release of the very first Mac by this job creator. Go »

Steve Wilhite

This computer scientist helped us visualize things in new ways, especially memes, even if we can't agree on how to pronounce his most famous creation. Go »

Susan Bennett

If you search for help with this goo using Apple products, this might be the first time where you can hear the answer in the celebrity's own voice. Go »

Thomas Crapper

The bathroom is home to his most famous invention, which shares his name. Go »

Thomas Edison

More than any other goo, this inventor should make a light bulb appear over your head when you recognize him. Go »

Ward Cunningham

If you've ever enjoyed a collaboratively-edited website, then you can thank this programmer and his Hawaiian vacation for inspiration. Go »

Wernher von Braun

Building a car and composing music wasn't rocket science for this space cadet. Go »

William Kamkwamba

Ever since improving his village in Malawi, he has been an electrifying public speaker. Go »