Harold Edgerton
This celebrity goo was created by player K. R..
Scott Hardie provided the source image, gooed image, category, and difficulty, wrote the clue, and wrote the explanation.
publication date: Tuesday, January 15, 2002 (part of Round XV)
category: Inventions
clue: This Alley-dwelling Doc was the true inventor of bullet time.
explanation: Edgerton invented the stroboscope, a device that could flash light for as briefly as one millionth of a second, and used it in stop-motion photography, such as a hummingbird's wings flapping or light bulbs shattering. Some of his most famous images involve bullets popping balloons and shattering apples in mid-flight (referenced in the clue by "bullet time"). His laboratory was called Strobe Alley. His nickname was Doc. The photo itself was another clue: It was intentionally gooed to look like a bullet passing through Edgerton's head in one of his photos. more…
solved by: Matthew Preston, David Mitzman, and Aaron Fischer
trivia: The goo was designed to get players to guess Dayton Taylor, the inventor of the Timetrack photography system that has been used in movies and television commercials. An adapted version of Timetrack was used in "The Matrix" and was popularly known as "bullet time." Only one player guessed Taylor.
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