publication date: Wednesday, August 23, 2017 (part of Summer 2017)

category: Internet

clue: Is it good luck to be born during an eclipse? It was for this social media CEO, one of the five richest people on Earth.

explanation: Zuckerberg was born during a lunar eclipse in 1984. more…

intended difficulty: easy

solved by: Russ Wilhelm, Steve West, LaVonne Lemler, Samir Mehta, Chris Lemler, Richard Slominsky, Justin Woods, Matthew Preston, Joanna Woods, Jesse King, and Elaine Beckland

Eclipse Week: Whether or not you're one of the millions of Americans expected to watch the solar eclipse on August 21, you can enjoy this collection of eclipse-inspired goos, an easy way to wrap up the Summer 2017 season. Seven eclipse goos will run on the week of August 20-26, with three bonus goos to follow soon afterwards.

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