Mike Myers
publication date: Saturday, January 20, 2018 (part of Winter 2018)
category: Movies
clue: This SNL alum and current game show host has put on bald caps and pinky rings, black-rimmed glasses and false teeth, long black wigs and baseball caps, curly mustaches and bushy long beards, dead-sexy fat suits, behatted cat suits, and more prosthetics to bring his bizarre characters to life.
explanation: Myers has played Dr. Evil, Austin Powers, and Fat Bastard in the Austin Powers films, Wayne Campbell in Saturday Night Live and the Wayne's World films, and the title characters in The Cat in the Hat and The Love Guru. He currently appears wearing more prosthetics as game show host Tommy Maitland in The Gong Show. more…
intended difficulty: easy
solved by: Russ Wilhelm, LaVonne Lemler, Samir Mehta, Chris Lemler, Richard Slominsky, Matthew Preston, and Erik Bates

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