Paul Freshour
publication date: Wednesday, November 10, 2021 (part of Fall 2021)
category: Mysteries
clue: During his decade of incarceration, the residents of his Ohio town continued to receive the threatening letters that started his alleged campaign of terror against one family in particular.
explanation: Starting in 1976, residents of Circleville, Ohio began to receive threatening letters, especially married couple Mary and Ron Gillispie. Ron was killed in a mysterious car accident and Mary was nearly killed by a booby trap that failed. Suspicion fell on Ron's brother-in-law Freshour, who was convicted of attempted murder despite evidence of his innocence, but the letters continued during his incarceration. To this day, the case is widely considered unsolved. more…
intended difficulty: hard
solved by: Russ Wilhelm, Steve West, LaVonne Lemler, Samir Mehta, Chris Lemler, Richard Slominsky, and Denise Sawicki
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