
These goos are from the Mysteries category, people famous for their involvement in unexplained events. Browse another way.

If this Stonehenge-loving Redditor was 2bda2998d9b0ee197da142a0447f6725, then I don't want to be 7c4f29407893c334a6cb7a87bf045c0d. Go »
Amelia Earhart
Sorry, this goo crashed with only 7,000 bytes left in the upload. Go »
Benjamin Briggs
This sea captain could have bought a hardware store but Italy apparently needed those 1700 barrels of alcohol. Go »
D.B. Cooper
If this notorious (and anonymous) hijacker was ever arrested, he'd definitely be considered a flight risk. Go »
Edward de Vere
Hacker collectives can accomplish a lot these days, but they probably can't confirm whether this British earl actually wrote Shakespeare's plays. Go »
Elisa Lam
What was she hiding from on that elevator, and how did she get into that tank? Go »
Elmer McCurdy
How did this man's real corpse wind up in a Long Beach amusement-park scare ride? That turned out to be the six million dollar question, involving a whole lot of nickels. Go »
Emanuela Orlandi
The question of what became of this teenager after her music lessons has haunted the Vatican since 1983. Go »
Frank Morris
Until he and a pair of brothers made their famous escape attempt, the success of which has never been determined, he was known as inmate AZ1441 on the island. Go »
Gary DeVore
The hands that wrote movies for Arnold Schwarzenegger and Jean-Claude Van Damme were never found with the body. Go »
Grigori Perelman
After 100 years, the million-dollar solution to a French geometric mystery has come from St. Petersburg, by a man who wants nothing to do with the field. Go »
John O'Neill
Conspiracy theories that focused on who had advance knowledge of the 9/11 attacks have often involved this FBI counter-terrorism expert, who investigated the 1993 WTC bombing and expected it to happen again. Go »
Johnny Gosch
Gosh, I hope this paperboy finishes his route soon. Go »
Joseph Crater
Maybe he fell into his last name. Go »
Ken McElroy
This midwestern town bully was shot in broad daylight with dozens of witnesses yet his killer was never identified. Go »
Lady of the Dunes
This unknown Bay Stater might have been the victim of a schizophrenic serial killer, or Whitey Bulger, but she definitely wasn't killed by the shark from Jaws. Go »
Lot Long
A lucky lot at an auction turned up a photograph of this man with more than four sticks on his back, ending a mystery that had long perplexed rock and roll historians. Go »
Madeleine McCann
The words "little girl lost" (or their Portuguese equivalent) launched a worldwide media investigation one year ago. Go »
Megumi Yokota
Subject of movies, manga and even an anime, this not so little girl has been a rallying point for her homeland. Go »
Michael Mvogo
Do you think you can just walk in here and identify this guy faster than Canada could? Go »
Paul Freshour
During his decade of incarceration, the residents of his Ohio town continued to receive the threatening letters that started his alleged campaign of terror against one family in particular. Go »
Philippa Langley
Some children play in the dirt. This royal historian was even less Reserved. Go »
Poe Toaster
Baltimore's most famous cemetery guest Go »
Robert Ivan Nichols
After surviving 52 minutes of hell, this Purple Heart recipient started (and abandoned) a family, stole an identity of a young boy, and maybe became a serial killer, before committing suicide. Go »
Satoshi Nakamoto
This person invented technology that tracks every financial transaction, but his own identity remains unknown except for bits and pieces. Go »
Somerton Man
What do a millenium-old book of MIddle Eastern poetry and the genetic implications of the folds of an ear have to do with this murder victim? Not enough to solve the case. Go »
Thomas Courtenay
He made infernal machines to take down northern ships. Did he indirectly cause the most naval deaths in US history? The truth of that died with his possible co-conspirator. Go »
Virginia Dare
We know what became of our first president, and the first European to come here, but the fate of another first is lost forever. Go »