This celebrity goo was created by player Chris Lemler.
Scott Hardie replaced the source image, gooed image, and difficulty, made major changes to the clue, and made major changes to the explanation provided by Chris.

publication date: Wednesday, October 4, 2017 (part of Fall 2017)

category: Sports

clue: Oh my, did Santa come early for this athlete? Because instead of wearing any more orange, he got a Pacers jersey for a gift. But first he'll have to earn the right to wear it.

explanation: Christmas played for the Syracuse Orange before joining the Pacers' minor-league farm team. more…

intended difficulty: very hard

solved by: Russ Wilhelm, LaVonne Lemler, Samir Mehta, Erik Bates, Aaron Shurtleff, and Elaine Beckland

trivia: A server problem lost the images that Chris created when this goo was created in 2016. Scott replaced them.

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