Richard Donovan
This celebrity goo was created by player LaVonne Lemler.
Scott Hardie replaced the difficulty, made minor changes to the clue, and made minor changes to the explanation provided by LaVonne.
publication date: Thursday, November 1, 2018 (part of Fall 2018)
category: Sports
clue: This long-distance runner set a world record by completing a 7 on 7 event in less than 7 days.
explanation: Richard Donovan is an Irish runner who set a world record in 2009 by completing 7 marathons on 7 continents in five days, nine hours and eight minutes. He improved on his time in 2012, completing the 7 on 7 in four days, twenty-two hours and three minutes. more…
intended difficulty: hard
solved by: Russ Wilhelm, Chris Lemler, Matthew Preston, Erik Bates, and Scott Hardie