Jeff Flom

Jeff wrote 55 comments in these 55 discussions: Post War Iraq, Stupid Anti-War Celebrities, Not Strong Enough?, Vote at 16, 27 Views on War, and Counting, 27 Views on War, and Counting, 27 Views on War, and Counting, SARS, State Pride - Who's Got It?, Mass Media, Hero Inflation, Hornstein v. Moorestown, Political Captions, *&^($%@ Hackers!!, Political Caption, May 16th, The Matrix Reloaded, Iran, Eyeball Count, Iran, KKK to March Nearby, Iran, Iran, The Geek Test, Yes . . . Yes . . . Yes, Abortion for Men, Converting Muslims, Favorite Movies Poll, Rotflmao, Rotflmao, Is the Left Living a Lie?, New Car, Like Andrew Dice Clay Always Says, Un !@#$ing Ba Leevable, Like Andrew Dice Clay Always Says, Un !@#$ing Ba Leevable, Clichés, atrix Relo, Saddam's Capture, Gun Control Views, Space, Space, The Quicker Picker-Upper, The Quicker Picker-Upper, The Passion of the Christ, The Most Bizarre News Story I Have Ever Read, Death Ride, Disney? or Plato?, When Did Satan Take Over T.V., Impeachment, Impeachment, Impeachment, Impeachment, Impeachment, I Want My Death TV, Are You a Feminist?, Are You a Feminist?, and Are You a Feminist?.