This should be the link to Iceland pictures. If this doesn't work, I'll have to send the link through e-mail, which would involve getting e-mail addresses for anyone who wanted to see pictures. I think the pictures are not worth the anxiety of knowing I have your e-mail address, but we shall see...


Four Replies to 27-X-2009 or Linking For Great Justice!

Steve Dunn | October 27, 2009
Wow. What a beautiful country. Great pics.

Steve West | October 28, 2009
Excellent photos and thanks for the captions.

Jackie Mason | October 28, 2009
[hidden by author request]

Aaron Shurtleff | October 28, 2009
Glad the link worked! The captions are all the work of the wife, as is the amazing camera work.


Aaron Shurtleff uses this area as a dumping ground for his random thoughts... Read more »

21-IV-2008 or Tee Hee

I had to do it! When you find it, you'll know. :) Me, a narcissist? Go »

20-X-2006 or Peer Pressure

I've heard from sources that will remain anonymous (if I spelled that right...) that my blog has blog fans. Hel-lo, groupies! Go »

15-II-2021 or Not Gonna Do It!

I feel like every time I return after a long absence, I say I won't do it again. I will try to be a better friend/person. I have learned the errors of my ways!! Go »

19-I-2007 or And now for something completely different

It's Friday, so it must be time for Aaron's pointless ramblings on subjects various and nefarious, topics wonderful and blunder-full, and generally funky and spunky. Yeah, that last one wasn't so good, but the first two weren't much with the funny either. :( Anyhow, it should be an uneventful weekend, so I'm looking forward to that. Go »

27-VI-2019 or Savage Meme

Been a busy day, but I guess I gotta do something. Hi! Hello! Go »


Gotta clean the dust out of here... Also gotta hope no one sees me doing something that is not RB concerts... Yay! Go »