Based on a certain conversation in TC, I just want to say that I am fully and totally aware of the effects of what I have written/will write in this blog could have on me in the future or sooner even. I don't care. I wasn't and I'm really still not ashamed or regretful or a word of it. Am I censoring myself? Well, a bit. I actually curse a lot more IRL than I do here, but I try to censor myself around most people for that. But, it's actually easier for me to talk about myself in this kind of a forum, and I think, in some ways, it actually makes me feel better to talk about myself. So, what's the problem? Yeah, some ass-face might not offer me a job in the future because of what I write here, but do I really want the kind of job where I would be looked down on for something about myself? F*** no! So, if future-employer is reading this and thinking I might not be an asset to their organization, well, thanks for the consideration, and good luck to you!

I really don't care if my whore-able horrible ex reads this and gets offended, either, but I don't think I've mentioned her much, and I will continue to do so. She's not worth the time or effort. Bitch!

Man, it's been a while. I get caught up in so many different and stupid stuff. I need to get back here more often..for me. Not for you all (although I appreciate your continued readership, don't get me wrong!), but for me. I do like getting in here and throwing down the crap. Gets it off my head.

So, this co-worker of mine who works at my retail job (see, I left out the word Target! ...crap.) was working at the Guest Service desk, dealing with an irate guest, who wanted to return some item, she bought 7 months ago, doesn't have the receipt, and has obviously used in the preceding 7 months. She's not getting her way (since this is way past the return policy of Target...which, if I may go out ona tangent, all you folks who shop at Target need to read. Seriously, that's one of the biggest complaints we hear, but it's all out there for you to read! Keep your receipt (and any cashier will give you a gift receipt for any purchase you make if you ask, so don't use the it's a gift excuse), and you have 3 months from the date of purchase), so she says to my co-worker (who is Puerto Rican, and has a bit of an accent, but not bad), "I need to talk to a real person. Do you have anyone who speaks English?" Seriously, if that's not the biggest load of BS I've heard recently! I don't know what peopleare thinking sometimes. Fortunately, he has a good sense of humor about that kind of thing (he referred to himself as not a real person all night), but I can't believe people who would say things like that are still around. *sigh*

The song of the day is..."My Girlfriend's Girlfriend" by Type O Negative.

No, seriously, (although that's a pretty good song) it is "Why Can't I?" by Liz Phair. I like Liz Phair. She keeps me sane.

I might go to an Ani DiFranco concert in March, and that's always an experience! :)

Ani DiFranco and the aforementioned Type O Negative song have nothing to do with each other!! Wow...that's awkward. I shouldn't have placed those two thoughts too close to each other...

Five Replies to 29-I-2008 or Clarification

Lori Lancaster | January 29, 2008
[hidden by author request]

Amy Austin | January 30, 2008
I'm going to go out on a limb here, in defense of crazy (blind?) lady... maybe she mistook him for the voice on the phone that says "para espanol, oprima uno" -- that message always makes me want to talk to a "real person", too -- and since it's usually a woman's voice, your friend must be a (not a) real girly-man person on top of it!

Geez... I can't believe there are "real people" like this around, either -- it's one thing to see their comments online (have a look at the comments under Steve's linked post about beer cocktail, and you'll see what I mean), but to know that they will actually summarily dismiss a person's worth/existence *right there* in (not real) person??? Wow.

Jackie Mason | February 2, 2008
[hidden by author request]

Kelly Lee | February 6, 2008
Damn Lori, your St. Charles accent must be too strong for those who live in Geneva.

Amy Austin | February 9, 2008
Yes, Jackie, that is what I was referring to -- with a touch of sarcasm. I have had the exact same "conversation" with the bilingual AI phone operators... and speaking Spanish really has nothing to do with it. The woman was clearly an inconsiderate idiot.


Aaron Shurtleff uses this area as a dumping ground for his random thoughts... Read more »

1-X-2008 or Song Crush!

I couldn't pull up the archives in TC to add this on, so I thought I'd drop it my blog! I've had this song stuck in my head for weeks!! I think it's the whole election thing... Go »

23-VIII-2006 or Please think for me, I can't bear to.

Work is going to kill me! I've been out in the sun too long. I need a quick break. Go »

12-II-2009 or Say What Now?

I got my little Ticketmaster e-mail, about upcoming shows in my area, and I got really excited, because I looked it over quick, and I saw "An Evening With Dio"! So as I dance around the office, with "Holy Diver" running through my head and a joyous smile blossoming on my face, I look a little closer... An Evening With Il Divo. Go »

27-X-2009 or Linking For Great Justice!

This should be the link to Iceland pictures. If this doesn't work, I'll have to send the link through e-mail, which would involve getting e-mail addresses for anyone who wanted to see pictures. I think the pictures are not worth the anxiety of knowing I have your e-mail address, but we shall see... Go »

7-IV-2009 or Back In Action

I'm not good at getting in here regularly. It's not that I don't love you all as much as I used to, because I totally do! I just have problems staying focused on stuff lately. Go »

20-IX-2006 or Man, those Samoans sure are a surly bunch.

That was the punchline to a Bloom County comic I read many years ago. It always cracks me up...which makes no sense, really. Go »