I take joy in finding out that the ex that f-ed around on me 3 times while we were dating now appears to be divorced from the first guy she married, and is now apparently married to the guy she f-ed around with all three times we were dating. I am happy because a) she obviously really really liked the guy and b) now I know that it really was her, and not me. I beat the sh!t out of myself for so long, trying to figure out what I did wrong to drive her to cheat, and now I see that she had the problem, not me! I actually feel better. Is that messed up??

Anyhow, I'm going to Maine for a week, so if you don't hear from me, that's why.

Not that I am a especially vocal part of the community here lately, but you know what I mean...

Two Replies to 30-VI-2009 or Is it wrong to be happy?

Amy Austin | June 30, 2009
I don't know, Aaron... I mean, *I* don't think it is -- but then I myself am dying here for the same sort of validation about a situation that I am still far from being "over". I regularly beat the shit out of myself, too, for the same reasons you mention... as well as the fact that I cannot wish well (in fact, I even wish ill) for the people who have hurt me so badly. If it truly is messed up, then know that I am just as messed up (maybe much more) right along with you. That may or may not give you any comfort, I know. ;-\

Jackie Mason | July 1, 2009
[hidden by author request]


Aaron Shurtleff uses this area as a dumping ground for his random thoughts... Read more »

24-X-2008 or GOO Con, Here I Am/Be!

Well, if all goes well, I am reading this post aloud at GOOCon. I tried to find one that I should read (and I even tried to get folks to suggest a post), but I got nothing. (Thanks guys and gals!) Go »

23-VIII-2008 or Seen On T-shirt

This is not a great day for writing for me, as the loyal readers may or may not remember. I leave you with this phrase I saw on a t-shirt today: Life is like a jalapeno pepper. What you do today can burn your ass tomorrow. Go »

10-V-2008 or Thrash Unreal!

I'm really getting into the band Against Me!. (Do you put in a period in a case like this, where the band name ends in a punctuation mark??) I really like the song Thrash Unreal (I wish I could karaoke it! Go »

8-II-2010 or *sigh*

Short one today. Looking at my GOO record, I found that the first GOO I ever guessed correctly was Ray Charles. That is also the first GOO that Russ Wilhelm guessed correctly, or at least that's what I am led to believe by looking at the GOO. Go »

09-VII-2019 or Look out, spicy bois!

I saw a meme that claimed there was a petition to change the name of fire ants to spicy bois. I am trying to be hip to the lingo the kids are using nowadays! They do like the word spicy, I'll tell you hwat. Go »

16-IX-2009 or Behind The Scenes (GE)

For those who are not aware, my first character in Gothic Earth is retiring. I believe that Scott is going to keep him around to use for his own undoubtedly nefarious purposes, but essentially, I am done with him. There were many reasons behind it, but there was just a single overriding reason above all others: I found myself unwilling to continue with him. Go »