Brokeness... That's *My* Livelihood
by Amy Austin on August 31, 2009

So, yeah... this is the longest period of involuntary unemployment I've experienced in at least 20 years, I believe. But to add insult to injury... I've had to go through the ringer lately with getting my Florida license and tag shit paid for, too. I guess I'm supposed to be grateful to have gotten it done this month, though, since -- as of tomorrow, 01 September -- Florida is hiking the hell out of all of these fees. I looked at the schedule for both, and all I can say is... woof. Sombitch. That's what Gleason's Justice would say, anyway. And if dear old Redd Foxx were still alive, too -- God bless both of their funny asses -- this is what he would say, I'm sure.
Two Replies to Brokeness... That's *My* Livelihood
Lori Lancaster | September 1, 2009
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Nocturnal e-Musings
Amy Austin counts down the days until... something... Read more »

I Feel Like My Head Is Going To Explode...
With all the stuff that's swimming around in it. Go »
Must Love Dogs
Someone I know (I guess you could say "a friend") who's been trying to break into politics for the last six months or so (starting with a mayoral race, lol) recently asked me (via Facebook chat) how I was doing (hadn't seen or talked to him in months). This is pretty much how that went: Mayor McCheese: So how's it going? Me: Shitty. Go »
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The Morton Salt Girl's Got Nothing On Me!
Except for a fucking umbrella. "When it rains, it pours..." Well, it's fucking monsoon season in my life, apparently -- I guess I should stay away from the Midwest, too. Go »
There's No Place Like Home...
Another update from the Land of Oz and tornados... Apparently, I wasn't too far off in thinking that an insurance deal would be nice... they're worried about it, too. Go »
Jackie Mason | September 1, 2009
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