Post-Delaware Staycation
by Steve West on July 12, 2009

The last leg of our vacation was a trip to Dutch Wonderland in Lancaster, PA. This is a pretty terrific amusement park for kids, I mean little kids. Most of the rides are designed for children between the ages 6 & 10. The best picture I'll post (we had many) was a picture of us going over the peak of the double splash log flume ride - about a thirty foot drop. Lauren is deleriously shouting for joy in the front while Olivia is cowering with amusement in the back with Brenda. This pretty much encapsules our day. Eight hours of this and other stuff like a water park, flight simulators (cool), roller coasters, etc. Everyone had a great time and I recommend the place to parents who want to avoid those huge coasters.
Four Replies to Post-Delaware Staycation
Lori Lancaster | July 13, 2009
[hidden by author request]
Aaron Shurtleff | July 14, 2009
So, about this Dutch Wonderland...does it have Amish themed attractions? From the name (and location), it would seem to be so, but log flumes and roller coasters do not sound very Amish.
A butter churn? Buggy rides? Barn raisings?? :)
Steve West | July 14, 2009
Ha! They do prominently feature a kosher fast food type place. There are statues of Amish farmers and a few cutouts where you poke your face through for pictures but not much more that I noticed.
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Scott Hardie | July 13, 2009
Cool is right. Thanks for sharing that great photo. :-)