Does my insecurity have no end? Will I ever stop embarrassing myself and annoying others by putting myself down? Is there some drug I can take to make myself stop?

Well the weather has been pretty odd. Saturday I could have sworn it was at least 90 degrees, which is pretty goofy for October. I biked to the grocery store in shorts and a tank top and was still burning up. By Tuesday I was wearing my Eskimo coat. :P I should take a picture of how fuzzy that thing is. I don't know if the temperature normally changes so rapidly in other parts of the country. I think it's an ND peculiarity. My parents like to tell me how one time shortly after they moved here, we had the lowest temperature in the country one day and the highest in the country the next. Not to mention we had baseball sized hail a few weeks ago so I get to deal with the wonders of insurance agents and roofers...

Five Replies to Insecurity, North Dakota weather

Lori Lancaster | October 12, 2007
[hidden by author request]

Scott Hardie | October 13, 2007
Last weekend, I read a humorous autobiography by a California woman who grew up obsessive-compulsive and Orthodox Jew, one hell of a combination. If you'll forgive me, she reminded me of you in the ways that she overcompensated for her social insecurity by putting herself down all the time, and in her years-long struggle with depression and self-doubt. It's not a particularly good book, but it might be worth reading to find out how much you see yourself in it, if at all. (link)

Amy Austin | October 13, 2007
And... leave it to me to be in enough of a state of wonder to comment only on the baseball-sized hail... ("REALLY?!?!? I've never seen bigger than marble-sized myself!")

Jackie Mason | October 13, 2007
[hidden by author request]

Denise Sawicki | October 14, 2007
Hmm thanks everyone. I thought these comments would be about the weather :). Lori: my husband claims I'm already good at everything... Scott: Sounds interesting, I will certainly check it out if it's at the local library. Amy: Yes a few of the hailstones were that big. No catastrophic damage, luckily, the shingles just look a bit loose. Jackie: Thanks, I think I look alright but in truth I'm not all that small, I wear size 14 jeans, which is well into the plus-sized model category for whatever reason. I hear plus-sized models start at size 8, which is totally ridiculous, but yeah... I am still big enough to obsess about being too big if I were so inclined which I'm not... I don't weigh much for my height but I've got no muscle tone...

Prayer for the Paranoid

Denise Sawicki posts whatever she feels able to post without serious consequences Read more »

Londo and Life

I woke up in the mood to write quite a bit but I feel my communication skills have fled me as of late, if indeed I ever had any to begin with. I can only hope someone out there will make some sense out of this. Yesterday was the big day at the convention and it was cool. Go »

Long long break

Well I think I have to devote all my game energy to D&D for a long time because it's terribly complicated and not think about Rock Block at all for a while... Sorry I felt the need to check the card exchange anyhow... I hope when I traded a couple cards lately that people were satisfied with the outcome... Go »


Over the weekend we went to Mills Fleet Farm to pick up the specific present my dad wanted for his birthday. I doubt you have the Fleet Farm in the more "civilized" parts of the world but it is a bit like a Walmart with the addition of things like calf medicine, saddles, fence posts, and a huge amount of hardware, machinery, building supplies, etc. I mostly stick to the more Walmart-like areas of the store, except for that one time when I built a fence :). Go »

I'm posting a lot

Yeah I suppose I should mention for anyone wondering (besides Scott, who I already talked to) I'm 90% sure I'm too crazy to do this GooCon thing appropriately. But that 10% chance of a successful trip is driving me nuts. I'm really curious to meet some other site users and I know it would be fun if I wasn't so crazy. Go »


So... I know I've been mostly absent... I saw Amy's comment in RB and I just want to assure her that it is not her fault I quit RB :P. Go »

Mystery Halloween costume

This might look like two guys in ugly clothes, but in reality it is a very nerdy Halloween costume. Can anyone figure it out? Edit: Steve West figured it out, answer is in the comments. Go »