Someone I know (I guess you could say "a friend") who's been trying to break into politics for the last six months or so (starting with a mayoral race, lol) recently asked me (via Facebook chat) how I was doing (hadn't seen or talked to him in months). This is pretty much how that went:

Mayor McCheese: So how's it going?
Me: Shitty.
MM: Why are things so bad?
Me: I don't know *why*... they just are.
MM: Yeah... it's a dog eat dog world. And I'm still wearing milkbone underwear.
Me: Well, I'm wearing Lady Gaga's meat dress.

Five Replies to Must Love Dogs

Scott Hardie | September 24, 2010
This site needs a "like" button.

Steve West | September 24, 2010

Tony Peters | September 25, 2010
LOL now that's funny Amy

Jackie Mason | September 25, 2010
[hidden by author request]

Amy Austin | September 25, 2010
And on another friend's FB status update:

The shit, having recovered and gotten itself together from its last beating, has hurled itself at the fan for cover!

My comment:

LOL... ah, that T-1000 shit... I know it well.

Nocturnal e-Musings

Amy Austin counts down the days until... something... Read more »

Feeling Like Crying...

...but also like I am simply out of tears. Heart is heavy. Go »

Painful Life = Even More Painful Dreams...

I don't know if I feel quite brave or open enough (a shocking thing for me to say... at least to me, anyway) to share the raw and emotional details of the dream I had this morning, but... suffice it to say that I have enough difficulty trying to get through the heartbreak of my waking hours -- I *don't* need that shit following me to bed when I'm trying to do my best to sleep it off at night!!! Go »

Just Die Already!

Okay... so it's finally time to write a second post. The main ingredient this time would be the recent passing of a friend with cancer (only 36). Go »

"Bambi & Thumper Need A New Home" or "The Good, The Bad and The Ugly"

Well... quite a bit has been happening with me lately, but I haven't been too keen to share for a few different reasons. One, just the mixed nature of it all makes it a little difficult for me to process -- although I am so very grateful for the good things, it also makes things pretty difficult to convey without somehow feeling rather pathetic and *un*grateful in the telling of it. Go »

I Feel Like My Head Is Going To Explode...

With all the stuff that's swimming around in it. Go »

Still in Kansas, Thankfully (or North Carolina, anyway!)

Apparently, a tornado hit Maysville, NC Sunday, missing "my" house (or Ed's, with a lot of my things still in it) by about a mile. Used to browse that store for good junk! Go »