"She Who Must Be Obeyed" (my wife) has graciously allowed me to alter my flesh by getting a tattoo. Much thought has gone into this. David Spade put it well after getting a Calvin of Calvin and Hobbes tattoo on his shoulder. He said you have to be careful putting a cartoon character on your skin because what's popular now could be Mary Worth ten years from now. For you youngsters who don't know Mary Worth, that joke is hilarious and frightening. This is my skin, man! So, I've been scanning a lot of images seeing a lot of cool stuff but not really seeing me. Until this. Science tattoos. What better way to express my inner geek than a tattoo of the quadratic formula on my bicep? Or maybe the gravitational constant? Or maybe a portrait of Enrico Fermi? Or maybe... Oh, the possibilities.

(On a side note: my wife has the right of first refusal saying that she's the one who has to see it all the time, not me after all. Yes, dear.)

Four Replies to Speaking Of Tattoos...

Matthew Preston | October 6, 2007
I suppose the "Mary Worth" theory applies to science tattoos as well. It would be hilarious for a formula to be proven wrong at a later date! Kind of like getting a flat-earth map, or an earth-centric galaxy tattoo back in the day.

Steve West | October 6, 2007
Hah! True. Although a flat world map has a certain appeal.

Amy Austin | October 7, 2007
Good husband. E happens to have a Calvin & Hobbes tatt on his calf. I wasn't consulted on this.

Tony Peters | October 8, 2007
Consulting ones wife would in many cases lead to refusal....or a demand for equal time under the needle. My father saw my tattoo's all 13 of them for the first time this summer and he was impressed with a few of them. Especially my last which is a Tribal Sun on my left shoulder that was given to me last year for my birthday while in Italy

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