I was talking to Brenda about weight recently - about how hers is creeping up and mine is creeping down. I ran across this article afterwards and showed it to her as a peace offering (man that skillet to the skull really hurts!) Thigh size has been connected to a predilection for heart disease. Larger thighs equals reduced risk. Not only is Oprah apparently immortal, so is Limbaugh. I'm hoping that they both simultaneously decide to become spokespeople and patrons of Slimfast soon. Didn't help Belushi much although that cocaine habit probably had something to do with it.

Two Replies to Oprah Is Immortal

Jackie Mason | September 27, 2009
[hidden by author request]

Amy Austin | September 27, 2009
No, you did fien. ;-)
(Yes, that was a real typo -- and I left it just for you. ;-D)

Web Junkie

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