Other Contents Under Pressure
by Scott Hardie on September 15, 2006

"So this guy is on a dinner date, and he has terrible gas, but he waits because he doesn't want to be embarrassed. When they get back to her house, he can't wait any longer. He desperately asks where her bathroom is, and she says first door on the left. He hurries into the first door on the right, shuts the door in the dark, rips ass for twenty seconds, then flicks on the light and discovers that he's in her parents' bedroom. And they're sitting up in bed staring at him in their pajamas."
"Ha! That's a good joke."
"That's not a joke! That guy was my best friend back home!"
Two Replies to Other Contents Under Pressure
Kerry Odell | October 20, 2006
Sounds like the time my soon to be husband took me to his parents' house in the middle of the night to use the bathroom....I pleaded for the 7-11 and was sorry when I had to meet them for the first time walking through their bedroom to use the only bathroom in the house! Talk about colossal bad judgement on his part /:) Good thing they had a sense of humor, which has been passed on to my son!
Logical Operator
The creator of Funeratic, Scott Hardie, blogs about running this site, losing weight, and other passions including his wife Kelly, his friends, movies, gaming, and Florida. Read more »

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Anna Gregoline | September 18, 2006
What an idiot - he couldn't have used the bathroom at the restaurant?