Punched In The Nose With A Stinky Fist
by Steve West on November 5, 2007

The complete culinary compilation of Steve, Don't Eat It! at Sneeze.com. My reading was interrupted by a need for defibrillation - laughed so hard my heart stopped. Volumes 1-3 were all I could take in one sitting. Just looking at the pictures for later volumes makes it apparent that they're a little gross for the squeamish.
One Reply to Punched In The Nose With A Stinky Fist
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Russ Wilhelm | November 6, 2007
You're right Steve. I made it to Vol. 5 before I had to stop. I couldn't see through the tears. My ribs hurt. I got light headed from hyper-ventilating. Kind of makes me think that laghter can be harmful.