Rock Block Parallel #2: Food Fight
by Steve West on July 16, 2008

To satisfy your gustatory desires, please review the following board of fare.
Everything tastes better with chocolate...well almost everything.
The U.S. government is loosening restrictions on the import of absinthe. These confections would be an easy introduction to the wonders of wormwood.
So much variety and regional taste - Hot dogs around the country.
Worst foods in America. Oh, but they taste so gooooood...
If you must diet, at least look cool while doing so.
My personal diet plan consists of stocking my fridge with inedible products. I lost 20 lbs. by getting nauseous opening my refrigerator and seeing this.
Ever wonder why the guys on Madison Avenue make so much money? Take a look at this german site comparing advertised foods with their real counterparts.
Educational site on what the world eats.
Lost that menu? Go to this site, enter your city and it pulls up the menus of most restaurants in your area.
Web Junkie
Steve West scours the Web searching for interest or absurdity and then shakes his head ruefully when he finds it. Read more »

East Meets West
So, good friends of ours, Lauren's godparents, invited our family to join them for a birthday dinner at a local Japanese steakhouse, Sakura. I've always wanted to go to one of these but until last night never had the opportunity. The girls are finicky eaters so prospects looked pretty slim. Go »
How Steve Proposed
Steve: I love you. Brenda: I love you more. Steve: NO, I LOVE YOU MORE! Go »
Sometimes Comedy = Pain
Once upon a time, the entire clip of this sketch was available on-line. It's been removed from YouTube but I found it here in a shortened version. It's too bad because the full explanation of what they're doing and why they're doing it makes it that much more enjoyable. Go »
This Was No Boat Accident
Vacation Tip #2: Maybe you're into sharks, pun intended. I, myself, am not. For the longest time this has been my greatest fear; being eaten alive by a wild animal. Go »
Crazy For You, Baby
Recent conversation with Brenda: me: You know how crazy I am for you? Brenda: Crazy enough to raise three kids. me: I'm crazy enough to ignore the voices in my head when we talk. Go »