Snowmageddonpocalypse 2016.Two feet of snow is a record for this date in DC? Go figure. I seem to recall worse snowfalls obviously not on this date. This is what it looked like this morning after the first predicted day of snowfall. Apparently this will happen again today and maybe be done for now. I've already shoveled about 1/3 of it but I'll have to repeat it after the secondary snowfall. Tomorrow, yeah tomorrow. Plenty of food, plenty of heat, and plenty of power - so far...

Update 4:00 pm - This storm is supposedly winding down but it's going down hard. Nearly white-out conditions outside of my house caused by swirling winds of sustained 30 mph. There's a 5 ft. drift near my front door that will easily be over 6 ft. before it's over. Still doesn't appear like it will be something that can't be dealt with fairly easily as long as people stay off the roads as much as possible tomorrow and let the cleaning crews do their thing.

One Reply to Snowmageddonpocalypse 2016

Scott Hardie | January 24, 2016
After a week of hype by news media, the storm sounds bad but of course not as bad as predicted. Some photos even make it look pretty. As long as your power stays on, you should be fine. Keep warm, Wests.

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