I've never had a blog (as the people here who know what an absolute technophobe I am will tell you is not surprising), so I guess this is my first step into the wonderful world of blogging.

I had food poisoning last night, so my stomach is ready to bust again. Don't eat week old meatloaf is the lesson of the day.

What do people put in these things?!? I'm out of ideas. C-YA!

Four Replies to Yay, a blog!

Michael Paul Cote | August 1, 2006
You should put that under Scott's "Word to the Wise"

Scott Hardie | August 1, 2006
Love the title, Aaron. I get it. :-)

Aaron Shurtleff | August 1, 2006
Actually, I just submitted a change. Just the Logical part, though. I just realized I probably just took it from your blog. I'm too impressionable!! ;)

Lori Lancaster | August 1, 2006
[hidden by author request]


Aaron Shurtleff uses this area as a dumping ground for his random thoughts... Read more »

17-VII-2007 or To See Or Not To See...(SPOILERS?)

I have two revelations to make, one of which is truly momentous and possibly a sign of the Apocalypse, the other is just me being stupid, essentially. I'll deal with the stupid one first, just so that the second will be even more earth-shattering! And I know that most of you will be disappointed by the second revelation, after I've hyped it up so much, but trust me, to me if to no one else, this truly is an amazing turn of events. Go »

1-X-2008 or Song Crush!

I couldn't pull up the archives in TC to add this on, so I thought I'd drop it my blog! I've had this song stuck in my head for weeks!! I think it's the whole election thing... Go »

27-VIII-2007 or Where Is My Mind?

Waaaaaaaaaay out in the water see it swimming I think I'm not going to get this R5 card in the recent auction, but I can't help putting all my R$ into it! Hopefully everyone will put the big money into The Who, and I will steal it, but... :( I am woefully lacking in R$. Go »

13-VII-2019 or Inappropriate Humor

Good day. I am still really exhausted from my work trip, so another short one. If I were to say only the punchline of an inappropriate joke, assuming said punchline was not itself inappropriate in this out of context way, would it be the same as if I had said the joke? Go »

28-V-2007 or Hippies will always attack an Elf, when they see one.

Random title of a spam message that came to my work e-mail address recently. Thought it was amusing enough to use as a post title! Well, it's Memorial Day, so take some time to appreciate the sacrifices others have made for you today. Go »

14-VIII-2006 or "A bombardment?" "An OBSCENE one!!"

Random quote from a movie I watched a few years back called "Il Monstro", which is "The Monster" in Italian. It had that one Italian actor who has been doing most of the comedic roles lately (I think his name is Roberto Begnini, or something close to). It's pretty funny, I think. Go »