Brenda and I went to closing for our new house today. Everything went smoothly and an hour and a half later I left with the keys in my pocket. We're moving this weekend so I'll be a little scarce here. We're all obviously excited and a little anxious over the changes but it's all good. It's scheduled to rain this weekend but I don't give two shits about that. There will be plenty of friends and family to help and I expect all of it to be done in one day. Then comes the unpacking and moving around of furniture and for Brenda to notice what piece is missing. A new pie cabinet would look great right there - let's go antiquing! I can't wait (read I can wait).

Four Replies to Homecoming

Scott Hardie | September 2, 2011
Congrats! It has to be a good feeling after all the planning and waiting. And you could have wound up trying to move last weekend, so what's a little rain tomorrow?

Jackie Mason | September 10, 2011
[hidden by author request]

Steve West | September 10, 2011
A host of friends and family made the furniture move easy. Verizon jerked me around a little but I finally got phone, cable and internet hooked up yesterday. Lauren got a new bed, graduating from twin to full. Olivia has adapted well, sleeping all night for several days in a row now. That's new from the old place where she got up in the middle of the night every other night at least. I'm exhausted but there is still so much to do. New patio door, new A/C unit, switching outlets from two- to three-prong, buying a lawn mower, winning the Rock Block tournament (Oh, yes - I'm still on that!), etc. Brenda has plans on a housewarming party. I just fed all those people and you want them to come back! Do I have to be here? I gotta take a nap.

Scott Hardie | September 10, 2011
winning the Rock Block tournament (Oh, yes - I'm still on that!)

Haha, yes, priorities. :-) Glad you're in and getting settled.

Web Junkie

Steve West scours the Web searching for interest or absurdity and then shakes his head ruefully when he finds it. Read more »

Got Dem Sunday Shopping UOAS Blues

Weekly shopping or as it has become, my weekly stroll through Satan's marketplace. I consciously avoided UOAS's line and since there were only two lines, chose the one next door. Let's call this one Slightly Less Ugly On A Stick. Go »

Barbie Gets Implants

In the early ‘90’s, I heard a stand-up routine by Cathy Ladman in which she was buying a Barbie doll as a birthday present for her niece. She’s looking at the doll displays and her eye catches a “Gift-Giving Ken”. She says, I really don’t think this is gonna prepare her for adult relationships. Go »

That's Entertainment

Recently, we held the Annual Empoyees Event for the credit union for which I work. Each year along with the State of the Credit Union speeches and various awards given, there is an entertainment portion. Last year was karaoke and dancing, the year before was a fashion dos and don'ts demonstration. Go »

Guardians x 2

Brenda and I completed a court appearance via Zoom meeting that determined we were Olivia's official guardians. Actually the court is her guardian and we are the court's agents. We are guardians of person and property. Go »

Oprah Is Immortal

I was talking to Brenda about weight recently - about how hers is creeping up and mine is creeping down. I ran across this article afterwards and showed it to her as a peace offering (man that skillet to the skull really hurts!) Thigh size has been connected to a predilection for heart disease. Go »

Love is a Hurtin' Thing

Recent conversation with Brenda: Me: I need a reservation for Valentine's Day. Brenda: I'll see if I can find a restaurant that takes reservations for one. Me: No, I need a reservation for two. Go »