Anne Frank
publication date: Monday, June 3, 2002 (part of Round XVII)
category: Literature
clue: Frankly, I never thought a little girl's diary would provide such a glimpse of pure evil. Hide!
explanation: Frank, who was 14 when she wrote it, became famous for the daily diary that she kept of being a Jew and having to hide from Nazi soldiers in a tiny attic. The word "frankly" was a play on her last name. more…
solved by: Matthew Preston, Mike Eberhart, David Mitzman, Lori Lancaster, Aaron Fischer, Jackie Mason, Kelly Lee, Anna Gregoline, Kelly Stokes, Amir H. Sufyani, Andy Hubbartt, Dan Donovan, Chris Mead, and Jacinda Thomas
trivia: Player Amir Sufyani wrote with his guess: ...really appropriate, actually. A bunch of students from my school (including me) are about to go to Germany to perform a few schools. The play? "And Then They Came for Me: Remembering the World of Anne Frank".
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