publication date: Wednesday, January 26, 2005 (part of Round XXIV)

category: Aviation

clue: High in the sky above France, she make history by living and dying at the controls of a plane.

explanation: Coleman was the first black female aviatrix, trained at a Paris flight school. She died in a plane crash as the co-pilot. more…

solved by: Steve West, Denise Sawicki, Erik Bates, Amy Austin, Mike Eberhart, Elliot Farney, Megan Baxter, Aaron Fischer, Anna Gregoline, and Lori S.

trivia: Scott was about to publish this goo on January 25, when he noticed her birthdate and decided to hold her back a day. There were six incorrect guesses for Amelia Earhart, who had already been a goo (0153), and two for Harriet Quimby.

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