
These goos are from the Aviation category, people famous for notable feats of flying and airborne record-breaking. Browse another way.

Alfred Anderson
He trained America's first black air force and proved to the first lady that people of color could fly. Go »
Amelia Earhart
This female flyer set her first world record by using a canary. Go »
Bessie Coleman
High in the sky above France, she make history by living and dying at the controls of a plane. Go »
Charles Lindbergh
This record-setter was into transatlanticism long before Death Cab for Cutie. Go »
Chuck Yeager
If you asked this WWII fighter pilot his name at the event that made him most famous, you wouldn't hear his answer. Go »
Clyde Cessna
An early aviation pioneer, his first attempts to build an airplane met with consistent failure, leading him to pledge that he would successfully build his plane and then set it on fire and quit the business. Go »
Douglas Corrigan
Crossing the Atlantic had already been done but always on purpose. Go »
George Aird
This respected aviator ejected from an English interceptor prototype and broke both legs after crashing through a greenhouse - but survived to fly again. Go »
Guy Menzies
Ninety years ago, he crossed the Tasman Sea and proved that even a crash landing is still enough to qualify a flight for the record books. Go »
Howard Hughes
This high-flying businessman and director once soared the skies, but eventually wouldn't leave his apartment. Go »
Jean Mermoz
He got lost, possibly because he had drawn a map with a line between France and Argentina. Go »
Manfred von Richthofen
dog nemesis and pizza mascot Go »
Orville & Wilbur Wright
Without these two bicycling brothers, humans might never have left the surface of the Earth. In tribute, a chunk of wood from their greatest accomplishment was brought on board Apollo 11. Go »
Otto Lilienthal
This German inventor of the hang glider died a few short years before his rivals in Kitty Hawk conquered the skies forever. Go »
Otto Lilienthal
Many can claim that they were the first success story in flight, but this member of aviation royalty has the pictures to prove it. Go »
Robert F. Six
F4r h1s v4c4t10n, th1s h0n3ym00n3r pr0b4bly c4ught 4 tr4ns-c0nt1n3nt4l fl1ght. Go »
Steve Fossett
One record this air head probably won't set is the most correct guesses in a week. Go »