Round XXIV
Amy Austin won this round on March 1, 2005. There were 113 goos.
Players this round: Amy Austin (103 goos solved), Megan Baxter (101 goos solved), Mike Eberhart (101 goos solved), Aaron Fischer (97 goos solved), Steve West (95 goos solved), Denise Sawicki (94 goos solved), E. M. (91 goos solved), Christine Marie Doiron (86 goos solved), Elliot Farney (85 goos solved), Scott Horowitz (83 goos solved), David Mitzman (81 goos solved), Matthew Preston (71 goos solved), Mihai Rusu (66 goos solved), Anthony Lewis (64 goos solved), Steve Dunn (62 goos solved), Todd Brotsch (60 goos solved), Erik Bates (58 goos solved), Anna Gregoline (56 goos solved), Lori Lancaster (55 goos solved), Brad Htnck (48 goos solved), John Pierpoint (48 goos solved), Jackie Mason (46 goos solved), Nadine Russell (46 goos solved), Lori S. (37 goos solved), Phyllis Joy (34 goos solved), Kevin Laudadio (27 goos solved), Jeff Ball (22 goos solved), Deirdre DeLay (21 goos solved), Elizabeth Chesher (19 goos solved), Marc Kelley (16 goos solved), Tracey Lewis (12 goos solved), Brandie Harrison (11 goos solved), Cory Melanson (10 goos solved), Dave Stoppenhagen (9 goos solved), Stephen Ito (9 goos solved), Jerry Mathis (8 goos solved), Scott Smart (7 goos solved), Alexei Nikolaevich (6 goos solved), Angela Lathem-Ballard (6 goos solved), Bob Degal (6 goos solved), Enrique Padilla (6 goos solved), Jesse Vengrove (6 goos solved), Jack Johnson (5 goos solved), Scott Baumann (5 goos solved), Sean Price (5 goos solved), Stan Iwanchuk (5 goos solved), Ann Stafford (4 goos solved), Chris Kiraly (4 goos solved), Darynn Malloy (4 goos solved), JL Reyes (4 goos solved), Michael Paul Cote (4 goos solved), Alex Friedman (3 goos solved), Brennan Holness (3 goos solved), Chris McKinnon (3 goos solved), Christina Capehart (3 goos solved), Jason Charles Butterhoff (3 goos solved), Jason Cohen (3 goos solved), Jeff Spencer (3 goos solved), Jody McDermott (3 goos solved), John Faircloth (3 goos solved), Justin Smith (3 goos solved), Kelly Stokes (3 goos solved), Mark Moretto (3 goos solved), Richard Scoggin (3 goos solved), Sarah Fonville (3 goos solved), Alberto Bauds (2 goos solved), Alex Haag (2 goos solved), Darren Sloan (2 goos solved), Evan Robinson (2 goos solved), Heather Perry (2 goos solved), Josh Hannaby (2 goos solved), Josh Yaganeh (2 goos solved), Lindsey Munoz (2 goos solved), Nicole Lovell (2 goos solved), Patti Smith (2 goos solved), Robert Pino (2 goos solved), Ryan Stahon (2 goos solved), Sarah Lavoie (2 goos solved), Steve Lowe (2 goos solved), Taylor Morrissette (2 goos solved), Aaron Shurtleff (1 goo solved), Christa Bennett (1 goo solved), Courtenay Miller (1 goo solved), David Price (1 goo solved), Derrek White (1 goo solved), Hamilton Mitchell (1 goo solved), James Anderson (1 goo solved), Kris Weberg (1 goo solved), Lasse Pedersen (1 goo solved), Patrick Little (1 goo solved), Robert Phillips (1 goo solved), Russ Wilhelm (1 goo solved), Sara Puza (1 goo solved), Sarah Petersen (1 goo solved), Sarah Rosenberg (1 goo solved), and Tom Chan (1 goo solved).

John Kerry
George W. Bush (0141) has been the Goo-in-Chief for four years. Will this goo replace him on November 2nd? Go »
Connie Chung
This TV reporter is known for seeing her interviewees eye-to-eye. Go »
Ben Stein
He wasn't Deep Throat, but he's been everything else: Attorney, economist, author, speechwriter, abortion activist, actor, commercial pitchman, even game show host. Go »
Sarah Ferguson
Apparently divorce is hard on a duchess's figure. Go »
Debbi Fields
You cannot enter a guess at this entrepreneurial goo if your browser doesn't accept... Go »
Blinky, Pinky, Inky, and Clyde rarely caught up to this original, insatiable video game hero. Go »
Jack Hanna
Does this zoo director and TV star exploit animals for his own fame? Go »
Shirley Ann Jackson
Surely this physicist couldn't do more to advance her field. Go »
David Blaine
This would-be modern Houdini risks life and limb (or seems to) with remarkable feats of endurance. Go »
Jennifer Garner
Is "13 Going on 30" the name of her movie or the number of pseudonyms her character has used on her show? Go »
Attila the Hun
He may or may not have been horny, but he certainly was Hungary for the ROMANtic part of Europe, I till ya. Go »
T.D. Jakes
Don't loose the game by missing this genderous bishop. Go »
Amy Tan
You'll need all the joy luck you can get to recognize this Californian author. Go »
Meryl Streep
Her perfectionist approach to acting (especially accents) has earned her more Academy Award nominations than any other actor to date. Go »
Alberto Gonzales
Don't torture yourself trying to recognize this controversial candidate. Go »
Terri Schiavo
If you draw a blank trying to figure this one out, well, so would she. Go »
Angus Young
This middle-aged schoolboy is known for his electric performances on-stage. Go »
Jenna Jameson
Let's just say this actress has been gooed more often than the average celebrity. Go »
Robin Quivers
She's the queen of all irony, making a career laughing at the jokes of a man often accused of misogyny and bigotry. Go »
William Shatner
Whether it be green alien babes or saving whales, he's done it all. Go »
Indira Gandhi
Twice elected prime minister in a patriarchal society, she was simultaneously the world's most admired public official and a corrupt authoritarian. Go »
Mary Cheney
One of the most famous gay Americans is reviled for helping to re-elect the opposition. Go »
Ann Landers
You're not going to land the answer to this goo by writing to some newspaper for advice. Go »
Joe Clark
Even if you don't know the answer, you should still take a swing at it. Go »
Wanda Sykes
If she had my job, this brassy comedienne at large would be making her own goo. Go »
William Wallace
This brave Scottish folk hero had the heart to lead his people against English invasion. Go »
Miguel Tejada
Don't stop short of the answer if you research this Dominican goo. Go »
Mark Hamill
This joker is an idol to geeks all over the world. Go »
Tupac Shakur
What this rapper feared most has come to pass: His own resurrection. Go »
Jane Austen
Be sensible here: You're only guessing at this goo, not marrying her. Go »
Rudy Giuliani
New York counted on its greatest leader in its greatest conflict. Honest. Go »
Estée Lauder
This New Yorker was much more than just another pretty face. Go »
Homer Simpson
This gluttonous jerkass has made Fox Television a lot of dough. Go »
Carmen Miranda
Bananas were this Brazilian bombshell's business. Go »
King Hussein
This popular leader brought Jordan closer to the west. Who's the king? Go »
Shania Twain
Man! I hope this goo doesn't impress you much. Go »
Mira Nair
This Indian filmmaker likes to find the humor in stormy relationships. Go »
Steve Jobs
This entrepreneur has had several fruitful careers in the computer industry. Go »
Anna Pavlova
This Russian achieved her dream of being one of the greatest ballet dancers through dogged determination. Go »
W. Axl Rose
This trigger-happy singer is known for firing his bandmates in rows. Go »
Renée Cox
Your mother wouldn't recognize this controversy-courting photographer if she sat down to one final dinner with her. Go »
Pope John Paul II
Is this goo Catholic? Go »
Mae Jemison
Whatever her accomplishments in science and education, she'll always be known as the first non-white woman in space. Go »
Sigourney Weaver
This actress has encountered Zool, Thermians, and Those We Don't Speak Of, but it's one alien race in particular that has defined her career. Go »
Dennis Tito
This businessman took one of the most expensive vacations in galactic history. Go »
Arthur C. Clarke
This scribe of Rama is a prolific author, but he'd have to write about 2,001 more books to catch up with Asimov. Go »
Barney Hill
On a hill in New Hampshire in 1961, this man and his wife came face to face with Zeta Reticulans. Go »
Irony aside, this heroic "muttnik" didn't survive being the first living passenger in orbit. Go »
Wil Wheaton
He wasn't a starship pilot, but he blogs about playing one on TV. Go »
Kofi Annan
This goo is a cheerleader, promoter, salesman, debt collector, and father confessor for all the nations on Earth. Go »
Ben Curtis
Goo, you're gettin' a cell. Go »
Kate Moss
Was this English model born in a tree or does she just look like one? Go »
Che Guevara
This Latin American guerilla became the spirit of the revolution. Go »
Sarah Vowell
This living American journalist has incredible powers of observation. Go »
Kelly Slater
How many surfers do you know who turned rodeo clowns? Go »
Aretha Franklin
Guess this one R-I-G-H-T and you'll make her feel like a natural goo. Go »
Pamela Anderson
This V.I.P. has been a lot of things — actress, model, novelist, animal rights spokeswoman, even a cartoon character — but one thing she isn't is Jenna Jameson. Go »
Gurinder Chadha
Though born in Kenya and raised in Britain, this director is best known for her films about Indian culture clashing with Western influences. Go »
Margaret Thatcher
This ferric goo was Reagan's very popular counterpart in Britain. Go »
King Abdullah II
He continued his father's legacy in Jordan. Who's the new king? Go »
Alex Rodriguez
Don't stop short of third base if you research this often-traded goo. Go »
Robert Patrick
This reminds me of the time she and her brother got stuck in that black-and-white sitcom. Go »
Penelope, Kate, this goo... Who knew there were so many tree-themed fashion models? Go »
Kim Jong-il
Some Communist dictators are cruel, some are paranoid, and some are just crazy. This one might be all three. Go »
Samantha Smith
She wondered if Russia would start a nuclear war. Is that too much to ask? Go »
Yasser Arafat
This longtime Palestinian spokesman did what everyone least expected: Died peacefully in the hospital as an old man. Go »
Vaden Lewis
I’m not gonna lie, brother. This Texas goo’s dark secret might burden you. I won’t give it up to you. Go »
Max Casella
He's appeared both on the Sopranos and under the sea, but he's best known for crawling in the window. Go »
Jada Pinkett Smith
She may be short, but she's one of the toughest ladies in the business. Go »
Marcel Marceau
Go »
Avril Lavigne
Try to guess this Canadian singer now rather than l8er. Go »
John McCain
Does being a maverick mean always having to remind people that you really truly are a Republican, honest? Go »
Ayn Rand
Capitalism and individuality were the core values of this Russian-born author-philosopher. Go »
Ashley Judd
This sister and daughter has starred in films that are, by now, a cinematic subgenre unto themselves. Go »
Gene Roddenberry
The old great bird finally took a journey into space after he died in 1991. Go »
Karl Marx
Your need to guess this goo correctly is diametrically opposed to my need to stump you with it, but at least I'm not paying you. Go »
Elvis Presley
This hip-shaking hillbilly became the most successful musical thief in American history. Go »
Veronica Guerin
This Irish reporter fought the outlaws, and the outlaws won. Go »
Jaime Escalante
By all calculations, this Bolivian teacher delivered real results for his underprivileged students. Go »
Jan Stephenson
Why does a foreigner think the LPGA should limit the number of foreign members? Go »
Edward Norton
If you're keeping score, it's X to the 25th, but everyone says that. Go »
General Tso
You can call this Chinese general a lot of things, just don't call him a, um, coward. Go »
Tommy Chong
I hope you manage to weed out the correct answer, otherwise your chances of winning could go up in smoke. Go »
Lisa Beamer
When her husband died a hero, she found solace in God... and the publishing industry. Go »
Johnny Carson
One of America's most popular comedians and talk show hosts has said his final goodnight. Go »
Hironobu Sakaguchi
This producer got the final word with one of the most popular video game franchises in history. Go »
Bessie Coleman
High in the sky above France, she make history by living and dying at the controls of a plane. Go »
Ruth Bader Ginsburg
This self-described moderate is considered one of the most famous liberal justices in the nation. Go »
José Silva
Since I won't tell you the answer, you'll just have invent another way to find out. Go »
Tipper Gore
She apparently liked photography, but this White House wife apparently didn't like popular music. Go »
Salvador Dalí
He didn't transcend space and time, but his paintings did. Go »
Kate Jackson
She wasn't scared to leave her partners in crime-fighting. Go »
Jack Kevorkian
You'd think an easy goo would be helpful right now, but with this goo's assistance you won't survive the round. Go »
Sydney Brenner
You'll have this latest round all tied up if you can provide one elegant, simple answer. Go »
Eva Perón
Don't cry if you can't recognize this popular (and young) South American politician and first lady. Go »
Joan Baez
This singer just wanted folks to get along. Go »
Evander Holyfield
This born-again athlete has had a career of real ups and downs... and lefts and rights. Go »
Abu Musab al-Zarqawi
This serial killer has proven that cutting off the head doesn't necessarily kill the body. Go »
Germaine Greer
Sometimes being a desperate housewife means enduring flashes of controversy. Go »
I can't believe this Italian hunk was not content just to appear on romance novels; he actually had to write his own. Go »
George Maxwell Richards
This head sled had better hurry up and have another kid. Go »
Isadora Duncan
This American dancer in Paris never learned not to stick her neck out. Go »
Ben Affleck
Gimme. Go »
Liz Phair
This star exploded onto the Chicago music scene fairly young. Go »
GG Allin
New York hasn't had any artist give more of himself to his admirers. Go »
The words "my precious" had such a nice ring to them that he muttered them for 500 years. Go »
Chuck Woolery
It should take you 2 minutes, 2 seconds to connect with the answer. Go »
Matthew Good
I'm no good at math. You? Go »
Suge Knight
Your days in this round are numbered. The last thing you need now is to slip up and go back to square A1. Go »
If this Kiengien god-king had his way, this goo would never expire. Go »
Ray Charles
I never miss a round when it's over. With this Georgian on our minds, it's time to hit the road, Jack. Go »
Wendy Kaufman
Like her, you should be able to solve this goo in 30 seconds, so make it snappy. Go »