This celebrity goo was created by player Steve West.
Scott Hardie provided the category and difficulty, made minor changes to the clue provided by Steve, and wrote the explanation.

publication date: Wednesday, March 7, 2007 (part of Round XXIX)

category: Government

clue: Is it too corny to consider this GREEN goo for president?

explanation: Cobb was the 2004 presidential candidate for the Green Party. Previous to this he was a lawyer and outspoken activist for government reform. more…

solved by: Russ Wilhelm, Denise Sawicki, Mike Rothstein, Steve Dunn, Amy Austin, Mike Eberhart, Aaron Shurtleff, David Mitzman, Elliot Farney, Jerry Mathis, Scott Horowitz, Scott Hardie, Chris McKinnon, Michael Paul Cote, Josh Paddison, and Joy Dunn

trivia: Steve provided the goos to Scott one at a time without the answers, giving him seven days to guess each goo before sending the answer. Scott solved three of them, making incorrect guesses for others. This goo was the first time Scott had earned credit for solving a goo in his own game.

Steve West's Rainbow Week This goo represented green in Steve West's Rainbow Week.

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