Round XXIX
Steve West won this round on April 9, 2007. There were 107 goos.
Players this round: Russ Wilhelm (103 goos solved), Jerry Mathis (101 goos solved), Elliot Farney (97 goos solved), Steve West (95 goos solved), Mike Eberhart (94 goos solved), Amy Austin (92 goos solved), Chris McKinnon (89 goos solved), Justin Woods (82 goos solved), Joanna Woods (80 goos solved), Denise Sawicki (79 goos solved), Mike Rothstein (79 goos solved), Kerry Odell (77 goos solved), David Mitzman (76 goos solved), Steve Dunn (76 goos solved), Tony Peters (75 goos solved), Aaron Shurtleff (74 goos solved), Josh Paddison (72 goos solved), Joy Dunn (72 goos solved), Adrianne Rodgers (70 goos solved), Megan Baxter (70 goos solved), Todd Brotsch (70 goos solved), Scott Horowitz (69 goos solved), Matthew Preston (68 goos solved), Mihai Rusu (60 goos solved), Michael Paul Cote (40 goos solved), Chris Venit (37 goos solved), Jackie Mason (33 goos solved), Jeremiah Poisson (30 goos solved), Erik Bates (25 goos solved), Allison Bair (12 goos solved), Phyllis Joy (8 goos solved), Aaron Weiss (7 goos solved), Lori Lancaster (7 goos solved), Sam Boyarsky (6 goos solved), Christine Marie Doiron (4 goos solved), Michelle Porter (4 goos solved), Sue Harper (4 goos solved), Scott Hardie (3 goos solved), Joe Ball (2 goos solved), Melissa Anderson (2 goos solved), Scott Baumann (2 goos solved), Aaron Fischer (1 goo solved), and Nadine Russell (1 goo solved).

Santa Claus
It wouldn't be Christmas without this goo. Go »
Tom Hanks
This actor has been stranded in space, on a tropical island, in an airport terminal, and in an adult's body. Go »
Barbra Streisand
Before she fell in love with the prince of tides, this funny girl was the way we were. Go »
Judith Regan
If this publisher had not gone so far to court controversy, we might have found out how O.J. would have done it (if he had done it). Go »
Allen Iverson
You'll find the Answer to this scandalous goo in Denver, if he shows up to play. Go »
Tara Conner
She's a poor role model to young misses across the USA. Go »
Rapping about love and God are not commonplace. Go »
Ozzy Osbourne
Don't be paranoid! I promise not to bite your head off if you don't recognize this iron madman. Go »
Pope Benedict XVI
There is only one absolutely right answer for this German holy man. Go »
Lucille Ball
I love this goo because watching her classic sitcom was always a ball. Go »
Michael Schumacher
One formula for success in any sport is the drive to be a world champion, especially five consecutive times. Go »
Blake Ross
The world wide web is new again thanks to this fiery young fox. Go »
Katherine Heigl
The human anatomy is not alien to this star behind two "Isibels." Go »
Anne Hathaway
I wonder if princesses write about gay cowboys and devilish fashion editors in their diaries. Go »
Tia Carrere
Before she became the world's sexiest terrorist (it's true) and a globe-trotting artifact seeker, she dated a local cable access host from Aurora, Illinois. Party on! Go »
Don Ho
This classic entertainer is as Hawaiian as the tiny bubbles in his signature song. Go »
Evangeline Lilly
This Canadian flower will be even more lost in Hawaii without her house. Go »
Kelly Hu
Who is this goo? A woman tough enough to take on Jet Li, The Rock, and Hugh Jackman, that's who. Go »
Duane "Dog" Chapman
Who let this goo out? His bail bondsman, after he was arrested in Hawaii for a "kidnapping" in Mexico. Go »
Fred Hemmings
This world champion surfed his way into the state government. Go »
Jack Lord
Goo him, Danno! This TV star kept the peace around the Aloha State. Go »
Nancy Pelosi
It's about time a woman became head of household in Washington. Go »
Wesley Autrey
How many New Yorkers would lay down their lives for a stranger? Or lay down beside a subway train, for that matter? Go »
Thom Yorke
This singer's band sounds OK on a computer, but some people like to hear them with a radio headset. Go »
David Koresh
He called himself the Messiah, but he couldn't save his followers from a fiery FBI raid in 1993. Go »
Jack Thompson
Litigators love to argue, but this one has bullied rap music and video games for years with anything but modest proposals. Go »
Kathy Griffin
Even a D-list celebrity is famous enough to goo. Go »
Sheryl Swoopes
Diving, pouncing, and lunging for golden glory have helped this womanizing basketballer streak to success. Go »
Howie Mandel
I'll pay you $20 for the guesses you've already made. Agreement or no agreement? Go »
Robert Ballard
This oceanographer would find the answer to his own goo even if it were 12,500 feet under water. Go »
Lil Wayne
This artist had little trouble making cash money with the first two Carters, with a third on the way. Go »
Hilary Duff
This preteen TV star and singer got the film career she wanted most by not sitting around on her butt. Go »
Goochi goochi! Nobody does flamboyant flamenco like this Spanish showbiz star. Go »
ee cummings
i couldnt
bring myself
to publish
comings to grip
with some
punctuation Go »

Daniel Radcliffe
The magical career of this boy actor took flight (as if on a broom) when he was cast as a wizard with a famous scar. Go »
If this goo seems fishy, I assure you, the answer is clearly black and white. Go »
John G. Roberts
He might not be the most famous judge in the country, but he is the most Supreme. Go »
Ted Nugent
Motor City will always be known for this weekend warrior and snakeskin cowboy. Go »
King Booker
All hail this champion of champions. Who's the king? Go »
Desmond Tutu
Who would have guessed that a minister dressed like a ballerina would help end apartheid? Go »
Kitty Kelley
Raow! The claws come out when this catty biographer pounces on a celebrity. Go »
Merhan Karimi Nasseri
You think you've waited a long time for a flight... Go »
Eddie Murphy
He may have stopped being live from New York, but he still did plenty for nights in Harlem and vampires in Brooklyn. Go »
Cate Blanchett
She played the Queen of England, the High Elf Queen, and the woman who made The African Queen. Go »
Idi Amin
The problem with a military coup is that the bloodshed doesn't stop at the door of the capitol. Go »
Jennifer Hudson
I'm telling you, I'm not going to accept guesses for Fantasia Barrino or Latoya London. Go »
Martin Scorsese
This director eventually departed the mean streets of New York, New York, where he made many stories about gangs and taxi drivers. Go »
Elizabeth Short
When you type your guess for this deflowered young woman, don't forget the space in the middle. Go »
Sacha Baron Cohen
Niiice! This comedian threw his people down the well to play a Kazakhstani reporter. Go »
Kevin James
If this guy loved Raymond so much, he should have married him for the domestic partner benefits. Who's the you-know-what of Queens? Go »
Peyton Manning
Hoofing your way into the big game is easy with this football scion manning the offense. Go »
Giada De Laurentiis
Some of you can guess this Italian every day, but others will have to wait for the weekend to get a way. Go »
Saul Bass
There's nothing fishy about creating some of the most famous logos and film titles in our history. Go »
Patti Davis
When daddy's the most famous conservative in the country, being a rebellious wild child means more than just having some liberal opinions. Go »
Tricia Helfer
This Playboy model and lawyer's wife will always be best remembered for her inhuman persona when she became the star of a cable TV series. Go »
Bao Xishun
No other goo can reach the towering record set by this Mongolian. Go »
Jimmy Dean
He's been a country music singer, a TV host, a James Bond villain, and a sausage salesman, but he's never been Bob Evans. Go »
Erika Eleniak
Watch celebrities stranded on an island or losing weight and you're bound to see this sexy centerfold. Go »
Wilt Chamberlain
This basketballer liked to lay in his bedchamber with many many (many) women, but he didn't exactly wilt in the record books either. Go »
Viveca Paulin
She didn't star in Talladega Nights, but she is married to its star. Go »
Carey Hart
Few motorcycle extremists are associated with hearts and the color pink. Go »
Gregg Hughes
After two firings he's on top of his game. Tell 'em Fred! Go »
Davy Crockett
Pioneer, patriot, soldier, trapper, explorer, state legislator, congressman, martyred at the Alamo. 1786-1836. Go »
Lisa Nowak
In space, no one can hear the woman having an affair with your boyfriend scream. Go »
Neil Gaiman
This author's books about sleepy immortals and reflective masks may or may not be popular with gay men. Go »
Mavis Beacon
Some players wouldn't be able to enter a guess without this woman's help. Go »
Jake Steinfeld
Like big brother, you have to watch carefully if you want a body by a sitcom star. Go »
Diana Ross
Somehow this singer got even better after leaving a group with supreme talent. Go »
Arthur Scherbius
Uif botxfs up uijt hpp qbufoufe b nfdibojdbm djqifs nbdijof, lopxo bt uif fojhnb. Go »
Daniel Craig
Despite going to bed with Sienna Miller, Sylvia Plath, and Lara Croft, this actor didn't bond to audience consciousness until he became the sixth number seven. Go »
Diana Krall
Even with Elvis as your musical mentor, you have to crawl before you can walk. Go »
Roger Federer
Today is a good day to (still) be #1. Go »
Sarah Paulson
This Tampa native found serenity on the sunset strip. Go »
Huell Howser
It's amazing you can find 13 years' worth of golden stories in one state. S'long everybody! Go »
A thousand ships set sail for war over the beauty of this daughter of the king of gods. Go »
Alfredo Casero
You'd be out of your mind to expect a Japanese pop song to win an Argentine Grammy or become the Argentine football team's theme music. Go »
Jeff Bezos
Probably the only thing you can't buy at his online A-to-Z store is the answer to this goo. Go »
Renato Curcio
This RED goo is free to murder, kidnap and terrorize since his release last decade. Go »
Tim Roth
This ORANGE goo may have the box office record for longest time lying in a pool of his own blood. Go »
Billie Hayes
Oranges, goranges. Who said, there ain't no rhyme for oranges? This ORANGE goo did. Go »
Michael Blassie
Think you can lay this goo to rest in a week? It took the Army 26 years to identify him. Go »
Freddie Mercury
This Royal opera singer certainly knew how to gauge the temperature of an audience. Go »
Camilla Lyman
Did the plumber or the clumber find his/her body? Go »
Mary J. Blige
You're obliged to guess this goo if you have a breakthrough after days of reflections on it. Go »
Tiny Tim
It's no small wonder that those who get high on old-timey music are willing to die for it. Go »
Eva O
This Goth-chick yo-yo'd until she finally found what she was looking for. Who's the queen? Go »
50 Cent
D0n't d13 try1n' t0 g3t r1ch 1f y0ur d3f1n1t10n 0f "r1ch" 1s h4lf 4 d0ll4r. Go »
Corrie ten Boom
1t w0uld h4v3 t4k3n t3n 3xpl0s10ns t0 k1ll th1s surv1v0r wh1l3 sh3 h3lp3d 0th3r surv1v0rs. Go »
Ed Belfour
1f th3 NHL r4ng 4 b3ll f0r 3v3ry p01nt th1s g04l13 4ll0w3d, 1t w0uld b3 0n3 qu13t n1ght 4t th3 B4nk4tl4nt1c C3nt3r. Go »
Just l1st3n1ng f0r 4 f3w s3c0nds t0 th1s R&B s1ng3r's m3l0d13s w1ll g3t h1s tun3s stuck 1n y0ur h34d 4ll d4y, 3v3ry d3y f0r 4 w33k. Go »
1 w0nd3r 1f h3 g0t h1s n4m3 pl4y1ng 0n3-0n-0n3 d34thm4tch s0 w3ll? Go »
Robert F. Six
F4r h1s v4c4t10n, th1s h0n3ym00n3r pr0b4bly c4ught 4 tr4ns-c0nt1n3nt4l fl1ght. Go »
Ralph Milliard
H4s 4nyb0dy 0uts1d3 0f th3 N3th3rl4nds m3t th1s f1shy s3c0nd-b4sem4n? Go »
D.B. Cooper
If this notorious (and anonymous) hijacker was ever arrested, he'd definitely be considered a flight risk. Go »
Mary Lou Retton
Some Olympic athletes are known for all-around excellence. Others are known for supporting Ronald Reagan and appearing on Wheaties boxes. Go »
Babe Winkelman
Nobody expects a kid show host to be a serial killer. Go »
Renaud Donnedieu de Vabres
In a country where the arts are like a national religion, this holy man wants to sanctify authors' rights. Go »
Dave Kunst
It's normal that this circumambulator would have followers. I couldn't imagine it another way. Go »
Melissa Auf der Maur
This lowly instrumentalist is ready to continue the fight against seasonal fruit. Go »
Samuel Mudd
Is saving countless lives grounds for a pardon? Go »
Sergio Aragonés
You'd think an artist known for getting lost and being temperamental wouldn't last long in the industry. Go »