publication date: Monday, October 7, 2002 (part of Round XVIII)

category: Television

clue: This friendly actress's career used to be picture-perfect, but now it's the pitts.

explanation: Aniston starred in the TV show "Friends" and the movie "Picture Perfect." She was married to actor Brad Pitt, and changed her real-life name to Jennifer Pitt ("pitts"). more…

solved by: Matthew Preston, Denise Sawicki, Mike Eberhart, David Mitzman, Lori Lancaster, Jackie Mason, Kelly Stokes, Amir H. Sufyani, Andy Hubbartt, K. R., Angela Lathem-Ballard, Dan Donovan, Brannan Conrad, and Steve Elliser

player landmarks: This was the first goo solved by Steve Elliser. This was the last goo solved by Brannan Conrad.

trivia: Some of the most beautiful women in Hollywood can be made into hideous balloon-headed demons with Kai's Power Goo.

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