publication date: Sunday, October 29, 2000 (part of Round XI)

category: Radio

clue: If gays are biological errors, does that mean she's normal?

explanation: At the time this goo went online, Schlessinger's fledgling television talk show was under siege from gay and lesbian activist groups that were trying to boycott it off the air for remarks that Schlessinger had made on her radio show over the years about gays. Schlessinger's most famous comment was calling gays "biological errors." (This was a common misconception; she actually referred to homosexuality, not homosexuals, as a biological error). more…

solved by: Matthew Preston, Denise Sawicki, David Mitzman, Aaron Fischer, and Anna Gregoline

trivia: The source image for this goo was a doctored photo of Schlessinger's face from a web site that was joining the protest against her. Scott just nudged one spot to make it a goo.

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