
These goos are from the Radio category, people famous for their work in AM or FM or satellite radio programming. Browse another way.

Alan Freed
This early DJ liberated radio stations to play rock and roll. Go »
Alex Jones
This Texas talker is a criminal of the thought variety... or maybe that's what they want you to think. Go »
Anthony Cumia
After two firings he's on top of his game. Tell 'em Fred! Go »
Art Bell
Weirdness becomes this host, including sudden retirements and relocations around the world. Go »
Art Bell
This paranormal investigator spent years shining a light into the blackest shadows of supernatural mysteries on his bicoastal AM show, which would have made him the right man to look into a case of identical cloned orphans. Go »
Bubba the Love Sponge
This radio host soaks up controversy from the senior population. Go »
Casey Kasem
if there was a countdown of the top 40 goos, I would want him to read it Go »
Colin Cowherd
sports radio is scary Go »
Diane Rehm
This host has been alive since FDR was the most powerful man in her hometown. Go »
Don Imus
Let's just say this former shock jock won't be giving any commencement speeches at Rutgers any time soon. Go »
Dr. Demento
This crazy-like-a-fox disc jockey turned his record collection into an eccentric playlist. Go »
Erich "Mancow" Muller
This Chicago-based loudmouth was been fined many times by the FCC for his "utterly" obscene material. Go »
Gary Dell'Abate
Big teeth equal big ratings. Go »
George D. Hay
He created what would become the country's most famous stage. Go »
Gordon Sinclair
He was Canada's counterpart to Paul Harvey, although he famously discussed the Americans. Go »
Gregg Hughes
After two firings he's on top of his game. Tell 'em Fred! Go »
Howard Stern
El Kabong's sidekick always lends this radio personality a hand. Go »
Ira Glass
This American host is known for putting his interview subjects under a magnifying glass. Go »
James Edward Jordan
It would be a Lie to say he died of the Spanish Flu. Really, he was Rescued. Go »
Jean Shepherd
His childhood reminiscences of a much-desired Red Ryder BB Gun, a lamp shaped like a woman's leg in a stocking, and a triple dog dare to lick a frozen pole make up an annual holiday tradition. Go »
Jian Ghomeshi
Q: What's his favorite interview format? A: Rough and violent. His interview subjects get off easier than he does on a date. Go »
Jim Rome
The only sport not covered in his CBS radio program is coliseum dueling. Go »
Laura Ingraham
Having a gay brother softened her rhetoric about the homosexual agenda, but she still speculates what Obama's diary says about his own agenda. Go »
Laura Schlessinger
If gays are biological errors, does that mean she's normal? Go »
Mercedes McCambridge
This Oscar winner took to her radio career like a woman possessed. Go »
Michael Savage
Liberals across the nation have been savaged by this San Francisco-based conservative talk show host. Go »
Noor-un-Nisa Inayat Khan
The only way to save Paris was from the bottom up. Go »
Paul Harvey
Reaganomics, skyjack, guesstimate, and other colorful terms were coined by this quirky longtime broadcaster, who passed away in 2009. Go »
Rick Dees
Listeners still go nuts for his weekly Top 40 countdown, more than they did for his late-night TV show in 1991. Go »
Robin Quivers
She's the queen of all irony, making a career laughing at the jokes of a man often accused of misogyny and bigotry. Go »
Rush Limbaugh
Don't hurry! This goo takes time... but not equal time. (Liberals, feel free to hurry.) Go »
Steve Dahl
This California-born, Chicago-based shock jock gained national attention on the night when he ended disco once and for all. Go »
Terry Gross
This great, gross radio host from Philadelphia is a breath of fresh air. Go »
Tokyo Rose
nickname of a dozen propagandists Go »
Tony Peters
Nobody in the valley wants to listen to music that's been pirated. Go »