This celebrity goo was created by player Matthew Preston.
Scott Hardie provided the category, made minor changes to the clue provided by Matthew, and wrote the explanation.

publication date: Monday, March 10, 2014 (part of Spring 2014)

category: Games

clue: Try and you will be able to force the solution, if you can interconnect with your past.

explanation: Link is the hero in the popular Zelda video game series, one of which is titled A Link To The Past. In many of the games, Link is searching for the tri-force. more…

solved by: Russ Wilhelm, Steve West, Samir Mehta, Justin Woods, Denise Sawicki, Joanna Woods, Erik Bates, Mike Rothstein, Lori Lancaster, and Scott Hardie

Video Game Heroes: Video games have become a billion-dollar industry, with annual revenues that outgross Hollywood. These five characters are some of the most popular stars in the business. Fictional characters are normally excluded from the game, but this week makes a special exception. This theme was created by Matthew Preston.

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