These goos are from the Games category, people famous for their connection to well-known board games, video games, and other games. Browse another way.

Alexey Pazhitnov

Keep turning this goo around in your head and eventually the right answer will fall into place. Go »

Anita Sarkeesian

She scored a lot of points that her male opponents just can't beat. Go »

Ben Schulz

All I can say is wow! It may not have been his smartest move, but there's no denying his braaaaaaaaaveeeery! Go »

Bill Budge

Even though he didn't enjoy playing them, this game designer didn't budge from his passion of programming popular Apple games and software. Go »

Billy Mitchell

You can't question his high scores, and don't question his patriotism, either. Go »


No, no! That's not necessary. I must insist we leave it in the container. I confess I am not overly fond of this goo. Go »

Brendan Greene

It's usually battle royale for many game developers when vying for a customer fan-base. This unknown player modded his way to $100 milllion in only 3 months. Go »

Charles Martinet

Long before playing a primeval dragon in Skyrim, this actor starred in even more popular video games as a pair of Italian plumber brothers. Go »

Charles Martinet

His long acting résumé is dominated by one super role, as a family of super brothers. Go »

Charles S. Roberts

Though he may have been bored, his tactics paved the way for modern warfare. Go »


His success at making Minecraft videos has earned him enough money to buy an actual diamond minecart. Go »

Daniel Owsen

He didn't just translate most of the Legend of Zelda games: His voice was among the very first speaking English to appear in any video game, assuring players that the galaxy is at peace. Go »

David Hayter

Being replaced by Kiefer Sutherland on any long-term project has got to feel like a sneaky snake bite out of nowhere. Go »


1 w0nd3r 1f h3 g0t h1s n4m3 pl4y1ng 0n3-0n-0n3 d34thm4tch s0 w3ll? Go »

Hideo Kojima

It's almost hideous how the goo game turns celebrities into liquid from some other form. Go »

Hironobu Sakaguchi

This producer got the final word with one of the most popular video game franchises in history. Go »

Howard Scott Warshaw

Now that he's a psychotherapist, he could help some of the people whose childhoods he ruined by making one of the most difficult, frustrating, and hated video games of all time, a game so bad that it almost killed the industry. Go »

John Romero

It's fair to say that this heretic was the first person-shooter. Go »

Jordan Weisman

His games have concerned running from shadows, dawn on Earth, and war between mechs. Go »

Josh Wardle

What's a five-letter word for a game developer who doesn't want to profit on his work? If you can't figure it out in six guesses, you can always play again tomorrow. Go »

K.K. Slider

Every Saturday night, he sings "Mee Way Oh" to people all over the world. Go »


Maybe Tekken is Japanese for 'man with cat head.' Who's the king? Go »

Lara Croft

Angelina Jolie is being paid how many million dollars to run around in caves, looking for treasure? Go »

Lara Croft

Not quite Indiana Jones, but many ancient lands have been raided. Go »

Lee Sedol

This professional dan gave up the stone which he held so strongly after losing to a machine. Go »

Leeroy Jenkins

Can you recognize this impatient raider of Blackrock Spire? Time's up! Go »


Try and you will be able to force the solution, if you can interconnect with your past. Go »

Lizzie Magie

How appropriate it is that her board game about the dangers of capitalism was stolen by an unbrotherly corporation and turned into a celebration of making profit. Go »

Lizzie Magie

This renter was letting you get a free pass to get you out of prison. Go »

Mario Segale

This recently deceased Italian-American man was the landlord to the right people (a video game company) in the right city (Seattle) at the right time (the early 1980s) to get an iconic character named after him. Go »

Markus Persson

This developer has mined a lot of respect for sharing his wealth with his employees. Go »

Master Chief

Faceless, but not fearless, this angel took the XBOX by storm. Go »

Matt Leacock

They say no man is an island, but you might feel like one if you're stuck at home with your family avoiding the coronavirus, playing his thematically-appropriate best-seller. Go »

Milton Bradley

Playing the Game of Life, you might need a Battleship to make Easy Money and avoid an Operation from this game company founder. Go »

Nathan Drake

Not quite Indiana Jones, but many ancient lands off the charts were explored. Go »

Navid Khonsari

Tehran police had more to worry about in 1979 than stolen cars. Go »

Nobuo Uematsu

One of Japan's most popular composers long ago wrote his final soundtrack for a famous game series, but it remains so iconic that its victory theme and main theme were played at the opening ceremony of the 2020 Olympics. Go »


Blinky, Pinky, Inky, and Clyde rarely caught up to this original, insatiable video game hero. Go »

Phil Ivey

He's not Tiger Woods (although Tiger is said to enjoy poker too), but he is a similarly accomplished champion, with ten WSOP bracelets to his name. Go »

Reggie Fils-Aimé

What do a Japanese corporation, Haitian immigrants, and American video game fans have in common? Go »

Richard Garfield

He's designed games about robots, vampires, and giant Japanese monsters, but his biggest hit remains his game about magicians that continues to attract gatherings of players fourteen years after it launched. Go »

Richard Garriott

He set out to create the ultimate fantasy game, but only bothered with six of the eight characters. Go »

Satoru Iwata

After years of work on beloved titles like Kirby, Earthbound, and Super Smash Bros, this banana-loving president's final gift to gamers is Pokémon Go. Go »

Satoshi Tajiri

After he worked on Mario and Zelda, his childhood love of insect-collecting inspired him to create what became one of Nintendo's biggest franchises. Go »

Scott Cawthon

His attempt at a kid-friendly video game was criticized for animatronic animals that were too scary, so he chose to make a horror game with them instead, which turned out to be a lucrative decision. Go »

Shigeru Miyamoto

it all started with a plumber jumping over barrels Go »

Shirley Curry

This grandma lives in Ohio, but she has spent much of the last five years visiting Skyrim, for an audience of hundreds of thousands of grandkids. Go »

Sid Meier

If you're going to pirate this game tycoon's products, at least be civilized about it. Go »

Solid Snake

2001 was the year this solid boss went to war. Go »

Steve Downes

Despite decades as a radio DJ in Los Angeles and Chicago, he's best known for a masterful performance as an iconic faceless video game hero. Go »

Steve Jackson

Kick down the door and guess this goo, and you may discover the potion of halitosis, which will be quite useful against the floating nose. Go »

Tim Schafer

His biggest hits have been full, grim, brutal, and broken. Go »

Todd Howard

As the director of a popular long-running fantasy series, he would have a reputation as one of the elder statesmen of video games, if a recent high-profile flop had not made his reputation radioactive. Go »

Will Wright

When this designer accepts his awards, I hope he thanks all the little people who got him where he is today. Go »

Zoe Quinn

This Canada-based developer became the "game" in more ways than one: She implanted a chip in her hand to interact with a game, and criticism by her ex-boyfriend made her the center of a firestorm of controversy called #GamerGate. Go »

james Rolfe

The personification of classic video game anger. Gen X Nintendo nerds relate to his brand of critical humor. Go »

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