publication date: Wednesday, February 15, 2006 (part of Round XXVII)

category: Justice

clue: Without a doubt, this prosecutor failed to win her most famous case in 1995 against a former football player and movie star.

explanation: Clark gained fame in 1995 for prosecuting the murder trial of O.J. Simpson, former football player and movie star. She later wrote a book about the trial, Without a Doubt. more…

solved by: Russ Wilhelm, Steve West, Denise Sawicki, Matthew Preston, Steve Dunn, Amy Austin, Mike Eberhart, Aaron Shurtleff, David Mitzman, Elliot Farney, Jerry Mathis, Scott Horowitz, Megan Baxter, Aaron Fischer, Chris McKinnon, Mihai Rusu, Michael Paul Cote, Jackie Mason, E. M., Josh Paddison, Bob Miller, Jacque Miller, and John Julitz

trivia: Many players guessed Clark for Phil Spector (0649).

Do-Over Week III This goo was part of Do-Over Week III. Each goo was based on popular incorrect guesses made for earlier goos.

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