Another update from the Land of Oz and tornados...

Apparently, I wasn't too far off in thinking that an insurance deal would be nice... they're worried about it, too. Enough so for the adjusters to assess the area's damages... and DOUBLE premiums on our homeowners'. This has prompted someone to decide that it can't be afforded any more, which has forced a search for cheaper insurance or refinancing... or else the sale of the house.

One Reply to There's No Place Like Home...

Lori Lancaster | May 19, 2008
[hidden by author request]

Nocturnal e-Musings

Amy Austin counts down the days until... something... Read more »

The Morton Salt Girl's Got Nothing On Me!

Except for a fucking umbrella. "When it rains, it pours..." Well, it's fucking monsoon season in my life, apparently -- I guess I should stay away from the Midwest, too. Go »

"Bambi & Thumper Need A New Home" or "The Good, The Bad and The Ugly"

Well... quite a bit has been happening with me lately, but I haven't been too keen to share for a few different reasons. One, just the mixed nature of it all makes it a little difficult for me to process -- although I am so very grateful for the good things, it also makes things pretty difficult to convey without somehow feeling rather pathetic and *un*grateful in the telling of it. Go »

I Feel Like My Head Is Going To Explode...

With all the stuff that's swimming around in it. Go »


I don't remember if I made any mention here (aside from any private messages) about my grandmother's death at the end of April. It was rather sudden/unexpected, given her condition at the time... and, considering all other grief in my life at present, I took it a lot better than I ever thought I would -- I was closer to her than any other member of my family (probably true in both senses, actually). Go »

Painful Life = Even More Painful Dreams...

I don't know if I feel quite brave or open enough (a shocking thing for me to say... at least to me, anyway) to share the raw and emotional details of the dream I had this morning, but... suffice it to say that I have enough difficulty trying to get through the heartbreak of my waking hours -- I *don't* need that shit following me to bed when I'm trying to do my best to sleep it off at night!!! Go »

Just Die Already!

Okay... so it's finally time to write a second post. The main ingredient this time would be the recent passing of a friend with cancer (only 36). Go »