Perspective is everything. I look at some photographs that have been awarded a Pulitzer and understand immediately why. Others I look at and mentally shrug my shoulders. This collection of photos which may or may not have won a Pulitzer were able to draw very different emotions from me. Very eclectic set that took me on an emotional rollercoaster ride. Feed the hungry.

Web Junkie

Steve West scours the Web searching for interest or absurdity and then shakes his head ruefully when he finds it. Read more »

The Cause And The Cure For The Munchies

So, you're an executive pothead sitting around the confernce room table with all the stoner VP's. The discussion centers on marketing a product that, while overtly illegal, has such an upside in monopolizing the market and growth potential. And whose turn is it to change the bong water, anyway? Go »

Steve's Supermarket Adventure (Cont'd)

...Or The Further Foibles of Ugly On a Stick Tonight, at the Safeway, I encountered the same cashier as I do most Saturday nights. Ugly On a Stick. Go »

The Day In Pictures

The Seattle Post Intelligencer recently has introduced a new feature to their webpage called Go »

Accidents Happen But This Is Ridiculous

You know, I've accidentally glued various parts of my body to odd things before. I glued my shirt to my stomach, once. But this guy takes the glue cake. Go »

So You Say You Want A 2007 List

Site that collects all the lists from other sites pertaining to 2007. Very handy. Go »

Al Jolsen Meets The Handmaid's Tale

Brenda went to a local clothing store which I refuse to name so as not to give them any free advertising. I'm a little pissed at them right now. She bought Lauren some new clothes for school including a new pair of jeans for $15.00. Go »