"Mommy! Mommy! Can I crawl up the elephant's butt? Pleeeeeeaase." You wonder what they were thinking when they designed this playground stuff. That sign really bugs me.

Web Junkie

Steve West scours the Web searching for interest or absurdity and then shakes his head ruefully when he finds it. Read more »

Vacation Week

We took the girls to the National Zoo in Washington D.C., a part of the Smithsonian network of attractions. Home of the famous pandas, the National Zoo is incredibly diverse and seemingly comprehensive. Go »

Good Morning, Let's See Who's Dead

A website devoted to tracking who's alive and who's not. Most entries are for the recently passed but also some entries to silence rumors. Also, a neat feature to read obituaries and find photographs of actual grave locations. Go »

And Justice for All

Recent conversation with Brenda: Brenda: Why are you all wet? Me: I knocked a plant off the kitchen counter. Brenda: The plant got you that wet? Go »

My Child Bride

I've mentioned my wife, Brenda in numerous posts. Thought it was about time to introduce (at least her picture) her to my on-line friends. This is also the only picture to which she consented. Go »

Yes, I Would Like A Second Helping

Blasts from the past. Really bad album covers. Lame creatures from Star Trek. Go »

(Insert Movie Title)...in 30 seconds Re-Enacted By Bunnies

Not a new site at all but one I hope everyone will enjoy if you haven't already. If you've seen it before, hope you'll find something new. Very clever re-enactments if only for the editorial difficulty in condensing a film down to 30 seconds. Go »