The homeowners' association in a Denver suburb is furious that one of its residents has dared to put up a Christmas wreath in the shape of the peace symbol. (link) Yeah. Keep reading till the end.

Four Replies to Mile-High Hypocrisy

Jackie Mason | December 7, 2006
[hidden by author request]

Kris Weberg | December 7, 2006
Well, I actually do suspect that she's making an anti-war statement, myself. The peace symbol originates with early antinuclear protests, and it's literally never existed outside of an American political context.

That said, it's not as if you can find Jesus saying a bad word for peace in most of the New Testament. Quite the contrary, if one reads the Sermon on the Mount.

Aaron Shurtleff | December 8, 2006
It's definately satanic. I can't believe I never realized the connection between peace sign wreaths and hard-core satanism! You satan-lovin' hippies are gonna BURN!!!

Amy Austin | December 31, 2006
DAMN IT, MAN... this is the third "page not found" I've read because I am behind on blogs!!!

Aaron, I think you need to check in with Dr. Coo-Coo...

Logical Operator

The creator of Funeratic, Scott Hardie, blogs about running this site, losing weight, and other passions including his wife Kelly, his friends, movies, gaming, and Florida. Read more »

Illinois 2013: Four Pictures

As a follow-up to my Illinois road trip, here are photos taken at our engagement party. Shown are Kelly and me, Matthew Preston with his wife Liz, and Jackie Mason with her husband Will. I wish that our photographer Lori Lancaster was in one of the shots, but I'm grateful to her for taking the pictures all the same. Go »

Going Green

This thing might turn out to be as short-lived as my other two attempts at a personal blog, but damn it if I haven't craved having such an outlet for the better part of a year now. It seems like a week doesn't go by that I don't have some little adventure to turn into an anecdote or a frustration to rant about. My idle thoughts are as pointless as anybody else's, I realize, but that's what the Internet is for (besides porn). Go »

Maybe It's Warwick Davis

(link) Go »

Sinners and Losers

Last week, Katherine Harris publicly denounced the first amendment, calling it "a lie" and said that we were supposed to be a nation of religious law. She also said that not to vote for a Christian is to vote for sin. (link) Apparently in Florida that gets you elected: Yesterday she enjoyed a landslide 50% victory over her competitors in the Senate Republican primary despite a bumbling campaign. Go »

Midevil Mayhem

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Illinois 2013

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