My Dinner with Amy
by Scott Hardie on July 12, 2009

Nice to meet you, old friend.
Six Replies to My Dinner with Amy
Aaron Shurtleff | July 12, 2009
Ha ha! Awesome! She really does exist!
Was this recently? How does someone come to town and not let me know? :P
Scott Hardie | July 12, 2009
This was Friday night. Amy drove to Venice for something, so she stopped in Sarasota for dinner with Kelly and me. I probably wasn't very lively company after a difficult day at work, but we had a good time, and good food. The photos were an impromptu thing at the very end.
Amy Austin | July 12, 2009
I thought about trying to drop in on you, too, Aaron -- but I remembered what you said about my dropping in on Steve! ;-)
Aaron Shurtleff | July 12, 2009
Fair enough. I was working until 10:30 anyways, so I wouldn't have been around. Just being difficult! :D
Aaron Shurtleff | July 12, 2009
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Logical Operator
The creator of Funeratic, Scott Hardie, blogs about running this site, losing weight, and other passions including his wife Kelly, his friends, movies, gaming, and Florida. Read more »

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Lori Lancaster | July 12, 2009
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